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" About San... Do you know anything about him?" Wooyoung asked, getting his notebook and pen ready.

Mingi paused and looked away from him for a second before looking back. " I know a bit." Mingi replied, his face suddenly growing serious.

Wooyoung stared at Mingi in silence, studying his body language for a second.  " What can you tell me about him?" He asked, a bit hesitant because of Mingi's serious expression. Mingi was looking at Wooyoung and looked away for a brief moment, seemingly to gather his thoughts.

He took a deep breath and exhaled through his nostrils before opening his mouth to speak.

" Everything."

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" San had a fairly normal childhood. He was one of the middle children with 2 older brothers, a loving father and a loving mother, but when he was 6 years old, his father committed suicide in the room next to him." Mingi started and sighed a little.

He was silent for a few moments, it seemed like the topic was hard for him to speak about.
Almost as if he was gonna tear up just thinking about it.

Wooyoung felt his heart ache a little at the image of a 6 year old boy losing his father to suicide.

16 years ago..

There little San sat, on the floor in his playroom playing on his DS. His parents were wealthy and San was well.. pretty spoiled.
He'd grown up with everything he could've asked for, if he asked for something at the toy store his parents bought it for him.
He never questioned why.. he just assumed money grew on trees.

His head snapped up when he heard loud bangs from the neighbouring room, his gullible little mind not thinking much of it and continuing to play on his DS.

Some minutes pass before he stood up and went to the neighbouring room, he wanted to ask to be driven over to a friend of his, he froze in his tracks when he opened the door - seeing his father laying in a pool of red on the floor.

San was young but he wasn't stupid, he knew that his father was dead, his mother was nowhere to be seen as she was out shopping with her church-friends, so there San was standing, alone, in the house with a bloody corpse of his once dad that was living and breathing roughly 20 minutes ago.


Wooyoung sat there in disbelief at what Mingi told him, he was listening intently to what Mingi said while trying to keep a stoic face.

" If you're shocked by that, your jaw's gonna reach hell from how much your jaw's gonna drop when I'm done speaking." Mingi spoke and sipped his coffee, glancing outside at the once sunny and bright world outside - now turning slowly dark, gloomy and melancholic.

It was as if telling San's story was enough to darken the world and everything around.

  " his father's death impacted him in many many ways, and at the time he had no idea of the reality of what really happened and why what happened, happened." Mingi spoke, eating the last of his bagel.

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