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His heart Wooyoung once stood in was darkening more and more, and the delicate purple rose that once stood tall and proud was withering slowly, and San was slowly being becoming worse and worse. and he'd pushed away the one person he knew could save him.
He was dying, and all he needed was to be loved by the one person he'd pushed away like he'd done to everyone else.

He refused to let anyone know him, and he'd shrugged off each and every person who tried to  enter his life, only letting a few people enter it.
Wooyoung managed to skim his way inside, somehow, and under a short time ends up being one of the people who somehow knows the most about his raw self.

Little would San know that in only a few more days, the stars would align and they'd reunite and Wooyoung will teach him the unheard of.. love.

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Wooyoung is startled awake in his bed by the alarm blaring in his ears. His body felt very clammy and his body was sweaty, making his t-shirt stick to his skin uncomfortably.
He swung his feet off the bedding and hopped off the bed and pulled his t-shirt off, his nap was supposed to only last for about 1 hour but it ended up lasting 11 hours. He'd gone to bed at 6 in the afternoon the previous day, stupidly forgetting to turn on an alarm. It's like playing russian roulette of some sort. Either you wake up or you don't, it's the risk of the game and even though you know most likely you'll end up not waking up you still find yourself falling back into the game again and again.

He looks at the clock, it's been 2 weeks since he and San stopped talking, he can't help but wonder about how San is doing, if he's sleeping well, if his cuts are healing.
He doesn't want to worry about San but he's close to admitting that he can't help it.

He shoves the thoughts of San away, today was important. Today he had Changbin were supposed to be on duty, responding to calls and showing up places where they were needed. This was Wooyoung's least favorite thing, he prefers staying in at the office - wearing comfier clothes, drinking hot chocolate while working on various different crime cases. But no, today was his unlucky day, not only that but he was on D.D.D which only makes it even worse (dirty dishes duty if any of you forgot.)

He quickly finishes breakfast while listening to Linkin Park on the radio in his kitchen before running upstairs to his room and into the closet. He pulled on his uniform and after turning his closet upside down he found his badge aswell. He was running late and traffic was slow making him even more irritated. He fights the urge to punch his steering wheel because of the traffic never lifting.

He makes it to work 3 minutes late, it's not that bad considering the rest of his attendance is always on time but that is also why he finds it extremely annoying that he is 3 minutes late, if he's gonna be late why not make it 1 hour late, not 3 minutes. 3 minutes late is like you were ALMOST on time, not fast enough, not good enough.

If you didn't notice by now, Wooyoung tends to be extremely hard on himself and always expects himself to stay on-time and be pitch perfect, it's impossible to be pitch perfect but no matter how many times other people tell him that he continously sits and criticises his work and constantly picks on himself.

It makes him work better, but also makes him all the more insecure about telling other people his results, he always asks himself '' what if they are better than him? ''
They're not, but it doesn't make him stop worrying.

He arrives at he and Changbin's cubicle, greeting officers on his way.
Changbin was already waiting for him, he was polishing his badge and making sure it looked shiny and presentable to go out for the day.
" Your badge is polished too, right? " Changbin asks, throwing a bottle of polisher and a small towel to Wooyoung.

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