026 ⚠️

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Wooyoung felt all hairs on his back stand up when he felt someone breathing right by his ear.
" Wooyoung. " San whispered, his voice was breathy, eery and soft but threatening and it sent goosebumps down Wooyoung's spine. It was alluring, and authoritative, it felt like a pull at Wooyoung's body and mind.
Wooyoung turned his head around from Mingi to look at San, who now had pulled out his pistol from his gunholster and was pointing it straight at Wooyoung's head, his vision focused on the muzzle before he looked up at San who was staring straight down at Wooyoung with a scary look on his face.

" If you don't come with me I'll shoot you right now. " He whispers, his voice oddly deep. San tilted his head, his eyes were wide and wild.
And Wooyoung feels like he's fucked up, and Hyunjin only confirms it when he whispers 'Fuck.' under his breath.

This is because Hyunjin recognizes that wild look on San, he's seen it very very few times.
But each time was just as bone-chilling and scary. The look in San's eyes right now is so scary that it almost doesn't feel real.
His eyes look almost... primal, an evil, devilish twinkle.
It's a side of San that is hidden deep within him, a side of him that he's been trying to bury and avoid.
It's when he's lost it, completely.

Wooyoung is in for a hard night, that's ends with him screaming San's name.

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Wooyoung stood up on shaky legs, and San pulled him up by the arm, Wooyoung's body felt like it was burning, and Hyunjin felt somewhat sympathy for Wooyoung.


He is a cop afterall.

Wooyoung looked back to Mingi, who stood up on shaky legs. He had an arm wrapped around his stomach and adding pressure to the stab wounds to decrease and slow the bleeding.
Mingi pulled out his phone and looked to be typing in a number, and it was only at this time that Hyunjin decides to leave, figuring that if any further Diablos members shows up and sees anyone from Shax then hell is set loose.

Wooyoung tried not looking at San, he was still angry at San for stabbing Mingi and despite the warnings San was giving Wooyoung he still wants to give him a piece of his mind.

Wooyoung was stumbling as he walked, he turned around again to look in Mingi's general direction - it didn't go unnoticed by San, he growled softly and tightened his grip on Wooyoung.

" Don't look at Mingi. "

" Why not? "

" Don't question me, just follow my orders. "

San gave Wooyoung a threatening look, and Wooyoung feels like his organs are turning once he sees the dangerous glint in San's eyes. It felt like his eyes were shining in the night, but not beautifully. It looked.. petrifying.

Wooyoung's observations of the man dragging him gets cut short when he's suddenly pushed inside a shiny, black Audi R8 V10, San pushes him from the driver seat to the passenger seat and gets in after Wooyoung - shutting the driver's door and locking the doors.
He paused before his head slowly turned to look at Wooyoung.

It looked like a fucking horror movie, and if the doors weren't locked then he'd be running for his life right now.

Speaking of life.. even the word 'life' reminded him of Mingi, is he even alive right now? It had been maybe 10 minutes since he was stabbed and considering the amount of blood he lost he should ATLEAST be unconscious. He was way too busy thinking about Mingi even to notice that San turned the ignition, the car's motor echoing out making some heads turn in their direction and admiring the beauty that is San's car.

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