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Wooyoung helped make the bed again. He's given a clean pair of boxers and a white tee by San so to not be entirely naked. He has his back to San as he turns to look at the clock in the room. 4pm.

I should probably text Changbin and assure him that I'm fine.
Wooyoung thought to himself, but before he could even start searching for his phone he's surprisingly enough tackled to the bed by San.

Wooyoung huffed and puffed underneath him, San's weight crushing him and making it harder for him to breathe but luckily not impossible for him. " Wha.. what are you doing?? "

" Aftercare. " San murmurs before flipping them over and forcing Wooyoung's head down on his chest. " It's a rough equivalent of aftercare considering you're flipping me and forcing me. " Wooyoung chuckles softly, and San just murmurs something in response, hugging him tighter to his body as if he was afraid that Wooyoung would leave him.

and if he were to be honest,
    he is terrified Wooyoung will leave him.

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" Is this the one he usually has? " San murmurs to himself, standing in the grocery store alone looking at the different kind of Hot Cocoas, there aren't really that many different types, only like 3 or 4 different ones. But San wanted to buy the specific one he knew Wooyoung liked, only problem being that he doesn't have a single clue as to which it is.

He doesn't want to buy the wrong one because that would make it seem like he's insensitive, which he is, but he wants Wooyoung to look at him differently. He doesn't want Wooyoung to look at him at some man who doesn't give a rat's ass about anyone else, not even himself.

Because in reality, well he doesn't give a rat's ass about anyone else, but Wooyoung.

Wooyoung is on his mind 25 hours in one day, 8 days in one week, 61 minutes in one hour, and 366 days a year.

He's on his mind all the time. So much so that San doesn't find himself worthy enough to worry about, he never has, but especially not now.

He'd never stay in one section of the grocery aisle, staring at the different products of one thing if it were for himself. He'd probably just choose one without even checking the out of date on the product. He doesn't deem himself worthy enough for that because he belongs in hell and for that he shall not bless himself with anything else but pain and suffering.

Wooyoung, wants otherwise though, something anyone rarely does, because everyone finds San broken, unrepairable, not salvageable. Wooyoung however?
He wants to fix him, and he's being more than open about it to San.

And for that, San wants to do something he probably hasn't ever done for someone ever, which is thank them properly, because last night when he and Wooyoung made love. It opened new doors for San, doors San locked many many many years ago.

So here San is, contemplating this as if it was a life choice when it's just plain hot cocoa, which is being given to someone who San considers almost a life-line.

San rules out the yellow packet with hot cocoa, and is left choosing between the blue packet with red ends and the red packet with blue ends, he's having trouble knowing which one Wooyoung likes and it's getting on his nerves because he wants nothing more than to show Wooyoung how grateful he is.

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