❁Chapter 22: Haunting❁

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Chapter 22: Haunting

YN's P.O.V

Pacing back and forth in the back garden, I couldn't help but think about all the bad consequences that could happen. My mom will find out. She'll report me to the cops. I'll go to jail for murder for god knows how long and I'll have to leave Skylar and Justin to fend by themselves. It won't just ruin my life, but it'll ruin the lives of the people I love. I'm the dirty murderer that my mom is calling 'sick' and needs to 'die in jail', she'll never forgive me for killing someone.

"YN?" I heard Justin shout, he rolled in with a confused face, "what are you doing out here?-"

"My mom knows Justin. She fucking knows," I interrupted.

"Woah. What do you mean? Did you tell her!"

"Of course not! A news report came up on TV and she said 'oh I hope the sick murderer dies in a jail', she hates me Jay!-"

Justin interrupted me by pulling me over by grabbing my hands since that was the only way he could shut me up, I looked down at him as he had the most concerned expression across his face. He was judging me. It's very simple to tell if you're being judged, by his emotionless stare and his sympathetic eyes, I knew he felt bad for me only because he thinks I've lost sanity.

"Stop," I said,


"Judging me?!" I abruptly pulled my hands away from his hold and drew my glimpse down to my shoes, "you think I'm crazy, but I'm not losing my mind Justin. I promise, I'm just paranoid okay!"

"Shh, YN I never said you're crazy, I would never judge you," he reassured,

"Then why were you staring at me like a wild animal in a cage Jay," he furrowed his eyebrows and seemed speechless from my argument, "you stared at me with so much sympathy as if you pity me, you pity the idea of me losing my mind!"

"YN can we please just go back into the house, you're panicking for nothing," Justin said as he grabbed my hand, "trust me," he deepened his stare making sure that I was listening intently to him.

Taking a deep breath I walked inside the house and found my mom in the kitchen looking over some 'Home Baking' recipe books that I kept, once she heard me come in she looked up in my direction with a warm smile before taking off her glasses. "Lovebug what's the matter? Are you okay?" She asked.

I could feel Justin's stare in the back of my head, I breathed once again before continuing to say my sentence, "yeah, I'm perfectly fine. That news story just got to me that's all, people can be so evil," I laughed very subtly at the end, before biting my lip as I felt a stinging sensation in the back of my eyes as if I was going to cry because of how I lied to my own mother's face.

"Hmm. The world is filled with bad people but there's nothing we can do. You know what will make you feel a bit better?" My mom asked,

"A hug?" I questioned, I swung my arms around my mom as I gave her the most tight hug I could give.

"Well that, but also baking a delicious cake," my mom grinned as she pointed to the recipe she found in the book, a smile came across my face as I thought about the brilliant idea. I really needed something to distract me.


Mom and I ended up baking a chocolate cheesecake for dinner, Justin, Skylar, my mom and I were sat round the dining table, totally full from the meal we just ate.

"Mom can I please go watch Scooby-Doo?" Skylar asked eagerly.

"You can go watch Scooby-Doo after you change into your pyjamas, you have school tomorrow remember," I reminded Skylar since it was Sunday night.

"Fineee" she groaned as she lazily stood up from the table, I could only see the top of her head now from where I was sitting. I heard my mom laugh quietly as she passed Skylar a sympathetic smile. That's the thing about grandparents, they always spoil their grandchildren and it makes the parents seem like the bad guys.

"She's such a sweetheart," my mom commented,

"But a cheeky devil as well," Justin rolled his eyes before I smacked his shoulder making him smirk amusingly.

"Well I better go or else your father is going to wonder where I disappeared," my mom laughed before we all stood up and headed for the foyer to open the door.

"Wait! Grammy!" We could hear Skylar's childish shout from upstairs, Skylar climbed down the stairs making small thumping sounds, "see you later Grammy, I love you!" Skylar swung her tiny arms round my mom's legs before my mom picked her up and kissed her cheek sweetly.

"Aww, I'll miss you too sweetie, but come over anytime! Ok?"

"Ok Grammy!" Skylar nodded as my mom put her down and we said our usual good-byes before she left the house. Once I closed the door, I breathed out loudly before looking over to Justin in his wheelchair; he waved his hand over to me and opened his arms for me to hug him tightly.

"I'm proud of you, you kept it quiet and you were calm," Justin rubbed my back,

"But I can't keep doing this Jay, she will find out a-and when she does I don't know what will happen".

"What will she find out?" I heard Skylar behind me say, I turned round and gulped.

"Mommy was talking about the cake Skylar. Mommy secretly put nuts in the cake and she was waiting until Grammy would find out but she never did!" Justin lied, Skylar laughed and shook her head.

"Silly Grammy!" Skylar said, "I'm going to your room to watch Scooby-Doooooo!" She ran off upstairs to our room. Looking over to Justin I gave him a glare before I saw him shrug and head to the dining room once again.

"I can't believe you just lied to our daughter Justin!" I said crossing my arms.

"Do you want to go to jail YN!" Justin shouted abruptly, it made me jump in fear, I shook my head meekly, "I'm sorry I shouted babe," Justin rolled over to grab my hands, "but you need to understand that no one and when I say no one I meant it! No one can find out about Bethany's death, not even Skylar," Justin said.

"She's a 6 year old girl Justin, who would she tell?" I said,

"Exactly, she's too young to understand...it's the wrong time and she doesn't need so much worry," Justin explained, I would be lying if I didn't think Justin was absolutely right.

Justin helped clear up the dishes for me, we were nearly done before I heard a loud banging on the front door, Justin and I looked at each other suspiciously, the banging was louder so I quickly ran to the door and looked through the peep-hole. Gasping in shock, I opened the door, Dylan pushed himself in with blood covering is clothing; it was dripping off his lip and through his nose. He had a bruised eye - so bad that I could tell he could barely see, it didn't take him long to drop to the floor in exasperation and pain

"DYLAN!" I shouted bending down to his level, "Justin help!"

Justin rolled in confused by all the commotion, his eyes widened once he saw blood-covered Dylan lying on the floor, "what the fuck did he do to himself?" I shrugged, panicking on what to do, I could see Dylan's eyes close slowly.

"Justin he's passing out!" I covered my mouth with my hands, "what are you waiting for? Call 911!"

"Is he still breathing?" Justin asked, I went over to find his pulse, he was still breathing normally.

"Yeah, it's normal...he must have just fainted from shock or something", I explained. I don't know how or why Dylan is like this but what makes me more concerned is why he rushed to us than anyone else in his life.

A/N: Comment, Vote & Share. Love Ya, Byezz Kim ❁❁❁

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