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Little update I have been walking for ages and I have like no idea where I am and I see someone in the distance she has long hair and that's all to be honest I walked closer to her and kinda gave her a soft tap on the shoulder I think she was around my age not sure...
She has a white,green,red flag.
(Im going to put speaking parts into this like a story but also a diary)
B: "we're you sent from ottoman because I heard there has been strict rules since a child had escaped and there has been soldiers all over!"
G: "oh wow what happened to hello or hi?"
B:"My name is Bulgaria I am basically apart of the Ottoman Empire but as I was saying I am not the child that escaped I only ran away because the guards and ottoman have been distracted looking for the child.."
G: "You ran away oh wow are you sure there not looking for you as well?
and I am that child there looking for I ran away a few days ago"
B: "oh my god you ran away to?!
I wasn't expecting to run into you oh well have you ran into any soldiers yet because I haven't seen one all day"
G: "No I haven't seen one solider well not yet it's kinda stupid to not check a forest they should always check a forest first that should be rule 1."
B: "since when?"
G: "since horror movies the victims always run into the forest like for example were the victims and ottoman is the killer or the soldiers
the killer chases the victims
and the victims only have one choice to go into the forest and they run into the forest and sometimes if there lucky they manage to lose the killer."
B: "Wait so we're going to die by ottoman?!"
G: "What no we lost ottoman like the soldiers would of chased us and we lost them by going into the forest"
B: "Do you think if one of us get caught do you think he will kill us?"
G: "I'm not sure.."
B: "can we stick together so we don't like get injured and we're all alone and we get eaten by animals?!"
G: "Yes of course I have been feeling alone lately it's being boring and I was even thinking of returning to ottoman but than I ran into you"
B: "let's go than"
B: "oh I don't even know you name"
G: "my name is Greece"
B: "cool"
Ever since I met Bulgaria she has been super kind she is kind of a over thinker but that is what makes her unique we have been going on adventures for the past couple of days not like big adventures to get us noticed because we're not that stupid.
I like her as company since I haven't talked to anyone in awhile she know my backstory and I know hers she is a very cool person her mum was cool she learnt Bulgaria how to swim which made me embarrassed since I didn't know how to swim but Bulgaria said she would teach me which is why I'm super grateful for Bulgaria!
Of course I will have to pay her back so I will teach her how to read and maybe write like I did with Armenia..!

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