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Everyday is boring it's the same thing everyday Bulgaria throws a fit every time if something annoys her Serbia won't get of his bed and just lays there staring into nothing at least he stoped the whispering and now just mumbles And Than Romania is just Romania nothing breaks his ego which I admire him for he never takes anything to heart if he even has one and he is more egoistic than usual.
He's funny and also makes fun of Ottoman what I love hearing it sometimes makes Bulgaria less moody.
And I still haven't talked to Bulgaria about the mum incident, I mean it's there fault not really ours but she's brainwashed.
Also I am having a weird obsession with spiders!
I LOVE them there creepy but fun to mess around with I heard Türkiye doesn't like spiders so that would be a cool joke and with the Ottoman Empire
He doesn't like them he probably would squish them since he's a grown man but it never hurts to try.
So Updates about everyone:
Türkiye- A liar
Serbia- becoming weird
Bulgaria- annoying
Romania - Romania
Ottoman- kill your self!
Egypt - haven't seen in awhile
Armenia- haven't seen in awhile x2
Fat cat - dead.
That's all.
I don't know what to write..
Now I am bored writing is the only thing I can do since Bulgaria keeps getting Romania to steal it.
Maybe writing on Bulgarias face when she's sleeping which is kinda basic.
Or I can find out what's wrong with Serbia?
But I feel like I disturb him he will get angry he rots on that bed he has eye bags and looks a little more paler than usual like one of Romanias vampire books .
Is he a VAMPIRE?!
He isn't sleeping during the night or day so that has to be the reason right or he's just depressed I think HE IS AN......vampire..
I think Romania cursed him or something...
Maybe I should go up to him it will be better if I go up to him than Bulgaria or Romania..
(Short chapter but I have a huge question!)
I am going to make an Christmas special but should I do the current timeline or in the future when there adults and have there independence (what would probably include Cyprus/north Cyprus and Armenia and others) (or in the current timeline when there kids and experience a Christmas I guess?)
AND should it be limited like 20th December- 1st January than make it private or delete it so it's like an special event?

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