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🇧🇬 : can you like not.
🇷🇴 : What i think its funny
🇧🇬 : To you but it's annoying I can't sleep!!
🇷🇴 : So it's better than Serbia mumbling all night again!
🇧🇬 : OH i remember that!!
🇷🇴 : for real it wasn't that bad I could never hear him I am a deep sleeper!
🇷🇸 : OI shut the fuck up its 7am let me get sleep for at least another 3 hours!
🇧🇬 : it's not me it's Romania
🇬🇷 : it's you as well
🇧🇬 : if he talks to me I am obviously going to reply!
🇧🇬 : SERBIA do you want Ottoman to lock us in this room again?!
🇬🇷 : Romania falls asleep to people arguing even I knew that and I don't talk to him that much.
🇷🇸 : Great I am wide awake I am so bored!!
🇧🇬 : just close your eyes last time we were loud in the morning we didn't get breakfast and breakfast is the most important meal of the day!
🇷🇸 : right i don't care he could starve us and I still wouldn't care you know why?
🇬🇷 : what?
🇷🇸 : Romania has food under his mattress!
🇧🇬 : Sneaky!
🇷🇸 : That's why he never complains when we don't get fed!
🇬🇷 : wow I hope he falls of his bed so I could laugh at him.
🇧🇬 : I wish he only sleeps in one position!
🇬🇷 : Maybe he's telling Türkiye secrets and Türkiye gives him food if return.
🇷🇸 : yes good idea or maybe he casted a spell and he summoned candy
🇬🇷 : witchcraft ? Romania isn't into witchcraft he's a vampire?
🇧🇬 : Or he just snuck into a kitchen and stole food?
(* door clicks*)
🇹🇷🗡️ : oh good you are awake
Bulgaria & Greece follow me!
🇬🇷 : oh..
🇧🇬 : whatever it wasn't me!
🇬🇷 : you don't even know what happened yet..
🇧🇬 : And Yet I know you and Serbia has something to do with it
🇬🇷 : whatever.
🇹🇷🗡️ : So one of you two went in my room and maybe stole something and of course you two being the only ones I can think about coming into my room and stealing stuff which one of you did it?
🇧🇬 : Not me I was with Romania
🇬🇷 : just not me why would I go into your room
🇹🇷🗡️ : if none of use admit it I swear I will punish you both physically and emotionally.
🇧🇬 : it wasn't me you shouldn't punish me when I didn't do it ask Romania I was with him!
🇹🇷🗡️ : how do I know if Romania didn't help you!
🇬🇷 : How do you know it could possibly be us and no one else?
🇹🇷🗡️ : None of my children will never go into my room and I have talked to everyone but you two.
🇧🇬 : it wasn't me..
🇬🇷 : I was with Serbia the entire time..
🇹🇷🗡️ : if none of use own up I swear!
you have an hour!
(*ottoman walks away*)
🇧🇬 : YOU went in his room are you insane
🇬🇷 : well kinda but I didn't pickpocket the door that was someone else!
🇧🇬 : You need to tell him it wasn't me!
🇬🇷 : I will maybe?
🇧🇬 : what?!
🇬🇷 : I don't want him to hit me when I didn't pickpocket the door was Armenia
🇧🇬 : who is that?
🇬🇷 : you will know soon enough..

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