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(From another room)
🇧🇬:Ha I knew they would get caught
🇬🇷:Shouldn't we help them?
🇧🇬:No because then we would get in trouble.
🇬🇷: I thought you were reckless like you didn't care if you were in trouble or not?
🇧🇬:Yeah but they thought they could do it by there self so it they soo strong they can handle the situation.
🇬🇷:True but what if Ottoman does an investigation and finds out and then we all get in trouble!
🇧🇬:If we get in trouble blame it on Montenegro
🇬🇷:Hm yeah true..
( Diary entry)
Even tho Romania and Serbia got caught they did. Say "they didn't need our help"-(words from
And to be honest there the ones who screwed up "our" plan so deserved I guess but I keep thinking that they will snitch on us and than me and Bulgaria will also get the blame.
I can't help be anxious about the situation the both of them are in one part of me wants to probably run away again but the one half is confident that they won't snitch.
And plus Bulgaria is confident that they won't snitch even if they do we can blame Montenegro.
🇷🇴:Wait I have a plan
🇷🇸:oh no..
(Romania jumps on Turkey)
🇷🇴:yea what are you going to do if you can't move.
🇹🇷:get of me your heavy and I'm trying to be nice!
🇷🇴:I see what your trying to say I'm not fat I just eat a lot of Ciorba de Burta (Traditional Tripe Soup).
🇹🇷:What get of me!!
🇷🇸:Wow the son of ottoman is weak?
🇹🇷:how dare you say that I am the strongest son well after Pakistan.
🇷🇸:Who is he I forgot.
🇹🇷:You wouldn't of met him he's at some training camp for future solider.
🇷🇸:Wow so why aren't you there?!
🇹🇷:because I am am the heir to the ottoman throne duhh!
🇷🇸:Romania put all of you weight on him.
(Turkey pushes Romania off him and runs to ottomans office)
🇹🇷:Baba! (Father)
🇹🇷🗡️:What I am extremely busy I need to find away to invade the central part of Europe!
Soon enough Europe will be all mine!
🇹🇷:So them stupid kids you randomly have the two of them one of them is a wannabe vampire and one has anger issues they attacked me!
My son will not be attacked guards get the two of them and bring them to me!

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