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🇷🇴 : I am so hurt you betrayers
🇷🇸 : why would any of us touch your pathetic cape
🇷🇴 : because you all are jealous!!
🇷🇸 : that's the lamest excuse!
🇷🇴 : shut up you have one eye!
🇷🇸 : vampire
🇷🇴 : one eye!
🇷🇸 : vampire
🇷🇴 : bitch
🇷🇸 : I can beat you in a fight any day why are your trying to blame us for your pathetic cape it was ugly anyway.
🇷🇴 : cause who else is would take it!
🇧🇬 : if Romanias stuff is missing is ours missing?
🇬🇷 : I'll go and check my stuff and you all can go to your stuff and we can meet back here.
🇷🇸 : okay
🇧🇬 : right if any of my stuff is missing there will be problems.
🇷🇸 : yea sure you couldn't hurt anyone.
(They all go to there own sides)

🇷🇸 : My notebook is gone!
🇧🇬 : my Map!
🇬🇷 : The fat cat is gone!!
🇷🇴 : oh so your all pretending your stuff is gone!
🇧🇬 : Romania stop acting like a baby
🇷🇴 : I am a child so that counts!
🇬🇷 : it's true if all of our stuff is gone one of us must of taken it!
🇷🇸 : we'll me and Romania were together so it can't be us
🇧🇬 : we'll me and Greece were together we just waited for you two !
🇬🇷 : why would we even touch your stuff?
🇷🇴 : oh they vanished out of thin air!
🇬🇷 :No obviously someone took them!
🇷🇸 : Yes maybe Montenegro?
🇧🇬 : he is asleep!
🇬🇷 : when isn't he asleep?
🇷🇸 : Okay than how about we split up?
🇧🇬 : What why would we do that?
🇷🇸 : to find our stuff me and Greece and you and Romania .
🇷🇴 : Okay than!
🇷🇸 : right if we find any dirt we meet back here got it?
🇷🇴 : yep!

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