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For once in a life time Ottoman forgot to lock the door It's been years..
I left the door barely open so none of the guards or Turkey or whoever sees it unlocked.
🇬🇷: Serbia wanna come he finally left the door open!
🇷🇸: ...
🇬🇷 : Do you or not? If you don't answer I will leave without you
🇷🇸: fine..
🇬🇷 : Wow that's the first time I heard you speak in weeks..
🇷🇸 : be careful who knows ottoman could be around.
🇬🇷 : I will I am not ret-
🇷🇸 : shhh!..Follow me.
🇬🇷: okay.
(The both of them sneak out of the room)
🇬🇷:Maybe we should steal ottomans stuff and hide it from him maybe even his weapons so he has to retreat and look like a coward! Or his jewels so we can sell it and get weapons and kill him in his sleep!
🇷🇸 : if we have to kill between Ottoman or Turkey who would you pick
🇬🇷 : Ottoman?
🇷🇸 : True but I would say get rid of his son and let him go depressed so he suffers..
🇬🇷 : I don't think we're strong enough we don't get fed enough we don't get training it's like a prison and if you do something against the rule you get beaten.
🇷🇸 : Surprised we didn't.
🇬🇷 : maybe it was a warning..
🇷🇸: maybe but I like your idea let hide all his stuff.
🇬🇷 : is he is his room or secret room?
🇷🇸 : what's the the secret room?
🇬🇷 : I have no idea but I heard he tortures people in there!
🇷🇸: but the walls are thin we would of heard screaming..
🇬🇷: oh then I have no idea it was a rumour I heard a while back
🇷🇸: you shouldn't believe in anything anyone tells you
🇬🇷: but I listen to you
🇷🇸: I know but we're friends not strangers.
🇬🇷 :Okay.
🇷🇸: right come on before Ottoman comes!
(They go inside Ottomans room)
🇷🇸:right we need to do this quick
🇬🇷 : I know just take some weapons and some cool things 
🇷🇸: what will we do if we get caught?!
🇬🇷: we won't if we're silent.
(Ottoman footsteps in the distance)
🇷🇸 : are you done
🇬🇷 : yep let's get out of here!
(Ottoman opens the door)
🇷🇸: shit hide!
🇹🇷🗡️: I swear I could of heard something..
🇹🇷🗡️ : probably nothing..
🇹🇷🗡️ : wait why am I talking to myself.
🇷🇸: ..
🇹🇷🗡️ : wait where did my collection go..
🇹🇷🗡️: I knew someone was stealing from me.
(Ottoman walks towards the wardrobe)
🇷🇸 : what do we do?
🇬🇷 : this is the most obvious hiding spot he will definitely find us
🇷🇸 : we'll we were rushing and got in any spot and plus even if we get caught it was fun while it lasted..
🇬🇷: wow what's happening to you why are you being so gentle and kind wow the silent treatment really changed you..
🇷🇸 : I guess quickly just cover yourself with anything..
(Ottoman opens the wardrobe)

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