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🇬🇷 : I feel so annoyed
🇧🇬 : Maybe he had a good reason
🇬🇷 : maybe
🇷🇸 : what the hell you guys were gone for soo long you left me with Romania!!
🇬🇷 : you won't believe it Egypt is here!
🇷🇸 : I have no idea who that is
🇬🇷 : Oh it doesn't matter
🇷🇸 : alright then
🇬🇷 : I am gonna go on a walk
🇷🇸 : it's late !
🇬🇷 : sooo what
🇷🇸 : Ottoman walks about at night he enjoys night walks
🇬🇷 : Fuck Ottoman
🇷🇸 : Okay than stay safe I guess
🇬🇷 : I will don't worry
*Greece sneaks of too Ottomans Garden*
🇬🇷 : finally fresh air!
🇹🇷 : hmmm
🇬🇷 : what the fuck are you doing!
🇹🇷 : walking about
🇬🇷 : well obviously but why are you here?
🇹🇷 : to stay awake
🇬🇷 : oh okay
🇹🇷 : but ur not supposed to be here
🇬🇷 : Don't tell Ottoman i heard what he has done to bad children!
🇹🇷 : yeah he tortures them and locks them in rooms!!
🇬🇷 : now that ur saying it makes it sound fake
🇹🇷 : no it's so realll
🇬🇷 : Ottoman is kinda nice i guess.
🇹🇷 : I will torture you with them words your entire life
🇬🇷 : I hate him of course and I am totally not planning anything but he is okay he is funny and loves cats like me i guess.
🇹🇷 : I love cats too I know where a bunch of them are
🇬🇷 : Where?
🇹🇷 : near the end of the boarders there is loads of cats there
🇬🇷 : wow
🇹🇷 : too bad you will never see them
🇬🇷 : I won't be stuck here forever neither will the others
🇹🇷 : if you ever tried to escape you would regret it
🇬🇷 : how do you know?
🇹🇷 : My dad doesn't give mercy I seen him kill children for running away you just got lucky
🇬🇷 : I am not scared of ur father I just don't..
🇹🇷 : I believe you
🇬🇷 : What?!
🇹🇷 : yeah is that so hard to hear
🇬🇷 : well I have been having some hearing lost lately
🇹🇷 : I see
🇬🇷 : but I can hear people fine so don't plan anything
🇹🇷 : you must think I am a terrible person
🇬🇷 : because you are Ottoman the 2nd
🇹🇷 : At least I will be strong you know what follow me
🇬🇷 : uhhh no
🇹🇷 : do it before I tell my Dad.
🇬🇷 : Fine!
(Turkey and Greece walk towards a river)
🇹🇷 : look at this a small river but you can easily break something if you do anything stupid
🇬🇷 : it looks dangerous
🇹🇷 : if you go in it doesn't take you anywhere
🇬🇷 : oh right
🇹🇷 : I will show you
(*Turkey pushes Greece into the river*)
🇹🇷 : As you can see nothing has happened..
🇬🇷 : Ow Ahhhh
🇹🇷 : ur leg is like so weird!
🇬🇷 :Help me plss!!
🇹🇷 : your leg is broken I can seee the bone eww
🇬🇷 : I can't move my leg is hurting me pls help..
🇹🇷 : I should just leave you here so my Dad can find you and punish you and put you in more pain
🇬🇷 : it's ur fault I hate you!
🇹🇷 : I might as well leave you
(* Greece starts to cry * )
🇹🇷 : Are you really crying?!
🇹🇷 : I don't care I could of done worse
🇬🇷 : what?!
🇹🇷 : you I know what you and ur Balkan buddies have been doing, walking around the castle just to blame Azerbaijani for something he might of done..
🇬🇷 : fuck you!
🇹🇷 : well-
🇹🇷🗡️ : what is happening here Turkiye I told you to stay away from the river..
🇹🇷🗡️ : what are you doing down there!!
🇬🇷 : he push-
🇹🇷 : I was about to help her but you came now
🇹🇷🗡️ : you stupid child you know I will have to pay doctors just to fix ur leg?!
🇬🇷 : it wasn't my fault it was your -
🇹🇷🗡️ : your one of them troubled kids I will just isolate you from the rest forever!
🇬🇷 : What?!
🇹🇷🗡️ : dumb child
( * Ottoman picks up Greece and takes her towards the castle * )
🇬🇷 : You can't pls!
🇹🇷🗡️ : shut up! And stop crying it's annoying
🇬🇷 : I can't help it the pain is so bad
🇹🇷🗡️ : next time don't go in the river
🇬🇷 : I didn't mean too
🇹🇷🗡️ : Ohhh of course you didn't !
( * Ottoman enters the infirmary and places Greece on one of the beds * ) 
🇬🇷 : my leg it's purple and red plssss help!
🇹🇷🗡️ : I am not a doctor but ur leg does look bad..
🇹🇷🗡️ : I will get someone but when you can leave out of here make sure I don't see you..

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