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🇬🇷 : How about we frame his children!
🇧🇬 : like how he sees his children as little angels!
🇬🇷 : Türkiye isn't one.
🇧🇬 : Türkiye is his favourite child Ottoman wouldn't admit it but it's true.
🇬🇷 : I mean how hard could it be to frame someone and get away with it?
🇧🇬 : pretty hard
🇬🇷 : have you tried before
🇧🇬 : maybe..
🇬🇷 : of course you have.
🇧🇬 : Why go for Türkiye and not his other children like uhhh Azerbaijani?
🇬🇷 : who is that?
🇧🇬 : Türkiye's brother they have an close relationship and who knows frame Azerbaijani maybe Türkiye will take the blame?
🇬🇷 : hmmm maybe but we don't know what this Azerbaijani kid is like what if he's like a mini version of Türkiye!
🇧🇬 : No I have saw him he's definitely not like Türkiye he's playful and always has a big smile smile on his face so he might be the only kid that Ottoman would actually believe for breaking into his room!
🇬🇷 : yeah I guess we should take scissors and cut his hair and leave it in Ottomans room and than he gets the blame!
🇧🇬 : we cut all his hair?
🇬🇷 : No only little
🇧🇬 : how would we get near him tho?
🇬🇷 : when he gets distracted me and you sneak behind him cut his hair and sneak of.
🇧🇬 : So we wait till he gets distracted
🇬🇷 : yeah
🇧🇬 : let's go and find him
🇹🇷 : Than i totally destroyed him I am the best! I will be greater than dad!
🇦🇿 : will you stop messing with my toys
🇹🇷 : I destroyed all mine..
🇦🇿 : what did you do this time
🇹🇷 : every time I see dad go to war I recreate that!
🇦🇿 : Oh okay
🇹🇷 : you don't talk much
🇦🇿 : There's nothing exciting going on so
🇹🇷 : how about we destroy the garden
🇦🇿 : you can I don't want to get into trouble again..
🇹🇷 : what did you do?
🇦🇿 : I had a fight
🇹🇷 : with who?
🇦🇿 : I don't want to talk about it.
🇹🇷 : what why you can trust me!
🇦🇿 : some kid named  Armenia I caught them stealing food and I got into a fight but they ran away before baba came..
🇹🇷 : what did baba do?
🇦🇿 : He couldn't Remember the name Armenia so yeah
🇹🇷 : When I see that kid I swear!
🇦🇿 : it's fine!
🇬🇷 : that's him?
🇧🇬 : yep he's with Türkiye so we need to cut his hair without Türkiye noticing..
🇬🇷 : Do you wanna do it or should I
🇧🇬 : can you sneak without being caught?
🇬🇷 : I think so ?
🇧🇬 : do it then
🇬🇷 : of course!
*Greece sneaks up behind Azerbaijani slowly cutting his hair until*
🇦🇿 : anyway I think there is a bug going around
🇹🇷 : maybe wait YOU!
🇦🇿 : what?!
🇬🇷 : nothing..?
🇬🇷 : I have nothing!
🇧🇬 : heyy!!
🇹🇷 : and who r u?
🇧🇬 : none of your business
🇹🇷 : I'm going to tell my dad if you don't show me what you have!
🇬🇷 : were not doing nothing.
🇦🇿 : just leave it the more you yell when young you lose your voice when older.
🇧🇬 : wise
🇹🇷 : FINE!
🇬🇷 : Okay we will be going now..
🇧🇬 : yeah bye..!
*Greece & Bulgaria go back to ottomans room*
🇧🇬 : okay quickly go place Azerbaijanis hair on the bed and let's get out of here!
🇬🇷 : okay
*Greece puts Azers hair on the bed*
🇧🇬 : now we can't get the blame
🇬🇷 : yeah
🇹🇷🗡️ : So which one of you was it?
🇧🇬 : none of us.
🇹🇷🗡️ : what do you mean!
🇬🇷 : there is evidence on your bed!
🇹🇷🗡️ : No I've look all over !
🇬🇷 : we'll I guess not
*ottoman checks on his bed and finds Azerbaijanis hair on the bed*
🇹🇷🗡️ : oh..
🇧🇬 : see!
🇹🇷🗡️ : I refuse..To believe
🇬🇷 : it's the truth
🇹🇷🗡️ : NO..

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