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🇬🇷 : have you found anything?
🇷🇸 : Not yet we have to be carful not to get caught.
🇬🇷 : Yeah I know.
🇷🇸 : okay than..
🇬🇷 : Anyway you keep a journal?
🇷🇸 : Yea buts it's not a diary before you start thinking I am soft.
🇬🇷 : what do you write it in then?
🇷🇸 : Secrets not about me obviously but about everyone else?
🇬🇷 : wait even me?
🇷🇸 : yeah but I only know one secret
🇬🇷 : what?
🇷🇸 : I know you have a murder plan to kill ottoman.
🇬🇷 : eh it's not embarrassing.
🇷🇸 : neither is having a diary/journal.
🇬🇷 : yeah I know but I wouldn't think you would be the one to keep an journal.
🇷🇸 : it's a coping mechanism if I didn't have a journal I would punch Romania.
🇬🇷 : Would you punch Romania or Turkey?
🇷🇸 : Turkey all the way.
🇬🇷 : yeah true i guess.
🇷🇸 : Wait what if Türkiye is behind all this!
🇬🇷 : huh?
🇷🇸 : when me and Romania annoyed him he ran away of course we didn't think anything of it but what if you and Bulgaria were also distracted and then he went pass you two and stole all of our stuff.
🇬🇷 : we would of seen him tho?
🇷🇸 : well you two would of been talking about girly things and he would of got time to get our stuff.
🇬🇷 : Like you wouldn't do the same if you were a girl.
🇷🇸 : I don't know what I would be like as a girl so.
🇬🇷 : yeah okay..
🇷🇸 : Hmm look what I found!
🇬🇷 : what?
🇷🇸 : A map!
🇬🇷 : where to?
🇷🇸 : I don't know. But it has a lot of countries on it maybe the ones ottoman has conquered so far..
🇬🇷 : he really is evil!
🇷🇸 : yeh!
🇹🇷 : watch your mouth you-
🇷🇸 : I knew it your spying on us!
🇹🇷 : maybe I am maybe I am not it's 50/50
🇬🇷 : definitely spying.
🇷🇸 : I know and it was kinda obvious
🇹🇷 : you didn't know I was there!
🇷🇸 : we did your loud.
🇹🇷 : lies!
🇬🇷 : don't be a prick and give us our stuff back.
🇹🇷 : what stuff?
🇷🇸 : don't act dumb!
🇹🇷 : fine but it will cost you.
🇬🇷 : what buts its our stuff
🇹🇷 : mine now but you can do a favour and get your stuff back if you listen.
🇷🇸 : hmm..
🇬🇷 : wow are you really considering ?
🇷🇸 : I'm checking how much my journal is worth to me and how many lives will be ruined.
🇹🇷 : journal? That's yours?
🇷🇸 : yeah who else has good handwriting!
🇬🇷 : what's the favour first tho.

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