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(Sorry it's so short)

I still can't find anybody I haven't even seen Ottoman a lot recently either..

I never realised how silent it is all you hear are footsteps and mumbling

I have a feeling they all ran away..
I know Bulgaria would have everytime she goes missing and comes back a few days later with a few flower crowns which eventually fall apart

But Romania? Serbia? And Armenia?! I have no idea about them
Wow do I have a bad memory I have known them for months and don't know anything about them.. well I only know Armenia for a couple of weeks but it's not as bad I think..

Armenia hmm I think he runs away all the time I mean Ottoman doesn't know about him yet.. I think but Azerbaijani does so why doesn't he tell Ottoman ?
Thats what I will never understand.. but of course that's good who knows what Ottoman would do if he found Armenia..
So maybe Armenia will return but the blood in his room?
That's what confuses me what if he went out came back got caught got a beating of a life time and is in the dungeon..
I would go down there but it's dark and has guards surrounding it at all times..
Maybe that's where they all are?!
Hmmm I would need to find a light source.. or I should just sneak and run until I run into something.

Both kinda work I would need to see when there is not a lot of guards on at a certain time to check..
Tomorrow I will write it all down! somehow I will find a way.. Hopefully.

To be honest though it is a lot quieter nowadays no arguing, shouting, fighting, etc I have no idea why I put myself through this just to get them just for it to go back to normal if their even in the dungeon..  I could be doing this for nothing.
If I don't find at least one of them I will angry.
I don't know if I can take being alone anymore I don't even leave the room anymore I look out the window and do journaling I guess..
( Quickly deciding to do times) Get it over and done with.

Times : 
Guards come at 2:00 am - 12: 00 am
2 : 00 am is so early to be honest they will probably fall asleep on the job.
They usually have breaks between them times atleast
12 :00pm (dinner breaks?)
11 : 00 am (some of them go to sleep)
12 : 00 am (they go to the room above to sleep)
(And they do get there personal breaks but they're not important right now.)
There are usually some guards that stay behind but they won't be a problem.
They will be half asleep so it will be easy to get past them..
This better be worth it I miss my sleep for this.
It nearly being summer it's getting so hot I can barely sleep anyway..
Anyway I just hope they are okay.
Well some of them not all of them.

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