49 (missing)

61 2 4

Good news for me I am fully healed
But it feels weird to walk on 2 legs without feeling like ur gonna fall the first thing I did when I was free is go to the others (Bulgaria,Serbia,Romania) but I couldn't find them anywhere I nearly look all over the palace and still no sign of them??
I was thinking maybe they ran away but I think they would have told me first..
I asked Armenia, Egypt, and others if they have seen them and no sign of them?!
I feel alone now.
It's been 2 days and I still haven't seen them..
I wonder if anything happened to them?!
Maybe Ottoman killed them or sold them?!
Maybe I am just overreacting..
All there stuff is here but when I came back the room was a mess so maybe something happened..
But no one is saying anything?!
Nowadays I just sleep and refuse to eat anything due to me wanting to sleep a lot.
I never knew I would be like this without them doesn't mean I care for them or anything I am just lonely now..
It feels like I am in the infirmary again.
I hate it.
But this time I don't see much of Armenia anymore maybe I should go and look for him..
His little hiding spot will be the place to find him or I could wait there till he comes back..
Yes I shall go there.
Now that I am deciding to see him I feel like I have been hanging out with him a lot I use to stay with Serbia before I broke my leg now suddenly Armenia it must be some sign.
All the people I hang out with have serious anger issues and can be playful at the same time yeah that's definitely them.
1 . It should be at night because everyone will be asleep
2 . When I get there I should ask him. I mean he has to know what happened to them since he has been exploring a lot lately!
- - -
And that's all I can think of I will add to this later if I need to
*as Greece slowly walks to Armenias secret place*
*she heard a scream*
Oh no did Ottoman find him?!
*Greece quickly grabbed the thing next to her hoping to use it for defence, As she slowly walked towards Armenias room she saw it*

A lot of blood. All over the walls..
🇬🇷 : oh my.. Armenia!
- - -
What had happened? It had only been a few days and well no wonder Armenia didn't visit her..           
- - -
🇬🇷 : There is no way! I refuse to believe this!
*footsteps slowly walk towards the room*
🇬🇷 : I need to get out of here...
*She quickly runs back to the room locking the door behind her.*
- - -
🇬🇷 : THERE IS NOW WAY! Armenia can't be dead just because there is blood in his "secret" room doesn't mean it's his.  So what does this mean for the others..
I am all by myself.
🇬🇷 : but how I would of heard there screams or if there was a war I would of known I alway know this!

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