Christmas special!!!🎄

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Merry Christmas!!
This chapter has NOTHING to do with the actual story and will not change the storyline at all.
It will include Characters like the current Balkans like N.Macedonia Albania etc basically countries that have not been mentioned in past chapters!
This may have a little bit of political stuff like the Cypriots situation (N.Cyprus & S.Cyprus) and the Serbia Kosovo situation.
If you are sensitive to these type of topics I recommend not to read this chapter unless you really want to.
(And the Balkans aren't children there grown adults in this one Christmas special the next chapter after this it will be back to normal they will be children)
As always the Balkans are up to mischief again.
They all promised each other to do an little secret Santa minimum spend:€20
Some of the Balkans refused to participate:

Albania reason : doesn't care for Christmas only attends the Midnight mass only on Christmas Eve. And only just made it an public tradition.

Bosnia Herzegovina : didn't really want to participate at first but ended up joining last second.

N.Macedonia : didn't want to get anyone anything hates them, but maybe very deep down  she
Likes them just a little in her heart

Türkiye : is Muslim and hates the Balkans has an okay relationship with Macedonia and even Bosnia but wouldn't participate in there Christmas secret Santa.

Montenegro : Just slept and when asked he said no.

🇷🇸 : HUH why am I participating in this Russia is not doing it so why should I?
🇬🇷 : Sadly it's just Balkan countries other wise I would of got Cyprus involved.
🇷🇸 : But look the only country that seems excited is Romania and he's not mentally stable.
🇬🇷 : Bulgaria does look excited!
🇷🇸 : Not really she's probably waiting for her present  she probably got nobody anything
🇬🇷 : who did you get ?
🇷🇸 : I can't tell you is secret
🇬🇷 : Yeah if you didn't really care you would of told me.
🇷🇸 : Hmm it's not like I got there gift anyway I haven't talked to them in a while
🇬🇷 : who got it then ?
🇷🇸 : Cyprus she only got it because they would actually talk to her and I had to pay her !
Stupid teenagers.
🇬🇷 : What why is my sister buying your present!!
🇷🇸 : Because I refuse to talk to them I hate them I'm not scared of them but I don't know anything about them.
🇬🇷 : wow your impossible.
🇷🇸 : At least I paid her! AND YOU WONT BELIEVE WHO I SAW HER WITH!
🇬🇷 : Who the North?!
🇷🇸 : yes and a boy!
🇬🇷 : A boy?
🇬🇷 : Malta ?
🇷🇸 : YES omg if he has red and white flag then yea!
🇬🇷 : I've seen him before he's not trouble unlike his brother.
🇷🇸 : But he's miles away from Cyprus so why would be be there...
🇬🇷 : uhh i have no idea ask her later?
🇷🇸 : you ask her I have been thinking about it all day!
🇬🇷 : I will ask later then.
🇷🇸 : Good.
🇭🇷 : hi.
🇬🇷 : hello
🇷🇸 : um hi.
🇭🇷 : am I early?
🇬🇷 : kinda just 10 minutes everyone should be here by then.
🇭🇷 : oh Alright..
🇬🇷 : Just stay in the living room I will give you the internet password.
🇭🇷 : No it's fine I hate technology!
🇬🇷 : oh okay?
*Croatia walks away*
🇷🇸 : I hate him.
🇬🇷 : you to still haven't made up?
🇷🇸 : oh never I hope the Christmas tree falls on him.
🇬🇷 : haha don't be like that it's Christmas!
🇷🇸 : whatever who's next Slovenia haha.
🇬🇷 : he's coming..
🇷🇸 :UGH are all Balkans coming?
🇬🇷 : if they show up then yeah..
🇷🇸 : How many people did you invite?
🇬🇷 : I didn't invite anyone?
🇷🇸 : Then who did?!
🇬🇷 : I have no idea..
🇬🇷 : I think so.?
🇷🇸 : I hate my life..
🇨🇾 : Heyy!
🇬🇷 : Oh Cyprus I need you to go around the Balkans and see who is coming!
🇨🇾 : What Why?!
🇬🇷 : Because they won't attack you you have strong allies for example me!
🇨🇾 : Well I know Kosovo is coming. And Serbia you need to pay me €10
🇷🇸 : I already give you €50!
🇨🇾 : yeah but it was €60!
🇷🇸 : I will later now go away!
🇨🇾 : ugh and I just got back!
*Cyprus Storms of*
🇬🇷 : hopefully she doesn't step on a Landmine going to Bosnia or getting took by Macedonia when she gets to them..
🇷🇸 : Macedonia isn't Türkiye
🇬🇷 : Yeah I know but she's been up to something!
🇷🇸 : oh well.
🇹🇷 : I heard my name.
🇬🇷 : GOD.
🇷🇸 : look who it is kebab lover.
🇹🇷 : Kebab is actually good unlike your Ćevapi
🇷🇸 : Ćevapi is better than kebab !!
🇹🇷 : don't make me laugh.
🇬🇷 : go away your blocking the door.
🇹🇷 : No one cares about some Christmas meet up.
🇬🇷 : No but there is food.
🇹🇷 : whatever I don't know why the North likes hanging out with the South so much what did you do !
🇬🇷 : Maybe North needs to get away from you for a while.
🇹🇷 : yeah right if I see her with the south don't think I won't do something.
🇬🇷 : what will you do?
🇹🇷 : just you watch
🇬🇷 : Yeah we'll I saw you talking to the both of them and pat both of there heads so you won't do nothing.
🇹🇷 : You were spying?!
🇬🇷 : Maybe now go away.
🇹🇷 : No I might just stay right here.
🇬🇷 : Being around you gives me an headache.
🇹🇷 : Being around you makes me want to put a gun to my head.
🇷🇸 : OMG stop being a pain in the ass and do something with your pathetic life this is why no one likes you accept your family and no one cares about you, only you're dead dad that's in hell.!
🇹🇷 :We'll it's not like anyone likes you! Say something like that again I will kick your ass.
🇷🇸 : This is why your an mistake and an terrible Son Ottoman Should of killed your mum.
🇬🇷 : Ugh.
🇹🇷 : oh yeah come around here then.
🇷🇸 : gladly coming right now.
*Serbia goes around to Türkiye and starts arguing then fighting with him*
🇬🇷 : God.
🇲🇰 : hey.
🇬🇷 : oh what do you want.
🇲🇰 : I was invited and I wanted to come Problem?
🇬🇷 : Fuck of Macedonia your presence is annoying me.
🇲🇰 : your presence annoys me as well but I will be nice since it's Christmas!!
🇬🇷 : why are you trying to be sarcastic kinda nice I can hear it in your voice.
🇲🇰 : At least I am trying to be nice to someone like you.
🇨🇾 : I'm back!
🇬🇷 : Right who is coming?
🇨🇾 : I wrote a list
🇬🇷 : oh alright
🇲🇰 : OH my favourite person ever!
🇨🇾 : what?
🇲🇰 : your so adorable!
🇨🇾 : ew.
🇲🇰 : I remember when you were a baby trying to walk oh where has the time gone..
🇨🇾 : ugh.
🇲🇰 : At least I have missed you!
🇨🇾 : whatever.
* When everyone gets here and starts showing everyone what they got each other*
🇧🇦 : I got you a landmine it's an historical one!
🇽🇰 : Can I put it in my history?
🇦🇱 : your apart of my history!
🇷🇸 : HAHAH you wish.
🇦🇱 : I will beat you like Turkey did.
🇷🇸 : I beat him.
🇲🇰 : OKAY even tho I didn't do it I got someone something.
🇭🇷 : Who?
🇲🇰 : MONTENEGRO I got him a blanket.
🇲🇪 : huh?
🇲🇰 : your welcome.
🇧🇬 : lame!!
🇲🇰 : oh shut up you gypsy!
🇧🇬 : I will throw that blanket over your head an suffocate you with it.
🇷🇴 : Fight!!
🇧🇬 : ROMANIA!!
🇷🇴 : sorry.
🇧🇬 : ANYWAY I got Greece and I have no idea what she likes but I got you an necklace!
🇬🇷 : Thank you!
🇧🇬 : your welcome!
🇲🇰 : lame.
🇷🇸 : right it's my turn.
🇦🇱 : OH let's see what Serbia got someone this will be interesting.
🇷🇸 : Suck a dick you wannabe Serb.
🇦🇱 : freak.
🇷🇸 : Anyway I got Croatia..
🇭🇷 : me..!
🇷🇸 : I have no idea what you like so I got you an how to be an touristic country book.?
🇭🇷 : What ?!
🇷🇸 : OMG I will kill that Cyprus.
🇨🇾 : what's the matter ?
🇹🇷🇨🇾 : why are we with them
🇨🇾 : I heard my name.
🇨🇾🇹🇷 : um.
🇬🇷 : Serbia you should of uhh Oh never mind
🇭🇷 : That's the most perfect gift I have ever gotten!
🇷🇸 : your pathetic.
🇨🇾 : And he thought I didn't know him well
🇨🇾🇹🇷 : He's so weird I don't know how Greece can be friends with him it's a sin..
🇨🇾 : he's not that bad just has anger issues..
🇨🇾🇹🇷 : yeah sure..
🇨🇾 : let's go and meet Malta he got us drinks !
🇨🇾🇹🇷 : alcohol?
🇨🇾 : No just some cokes let's go quick before Serbia pulls another fit.
🇨🇾🇹🇷 : yeah..
*North & South Cyprus leave*
🇷🇸 : you should be offended?
🇭🇷 : I have no idea why I am not but i love it..
🇬🇷 : brotherly moment!
🇲🇰 : ew.
*After the rest of exchange gifts*
🇷🇴 : I want food.
🇧🇬 : you just ate
🇷🇴 : I don't care I am hungry Christmas dinner was so small!!
🇧🇬 : go to sleep then!
🇷🇴 : fine
🇧🇬 : Not here let's go!
🇷🇴 : OH alright
*they all go home and sleep*
Wow you can tell I got lazy but oh well I was rushing..
Anyway I hoped you a had a good Christmas!
I should do a new year special as well for 2024!

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