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Ray and the turtles are on a mission to find the monster hippo that has been making headlines in the news. Raph, dressed in the hippo costume that Ray had to buy, jumps around but quickly removes the head of the costume due to the heat.

"You sure that evil mutant hippo is around here? It's a million degrees in this thing," Raph complains. Mikey playfully takes the hippo head and offers to wear it, saying, "Um, I'd be happy to wear it if you need a break."

Ray snatches the hippo head from Mikey's hands and declares, "I should be the one wearing it. It is rightfully mine." Raph grabs the hippo head back, asserting, "No, no, no, no. I'm the leader. The leader wears the suit."

Leo chimes in, trying to diffuse the situation, "Well, I mean, he's got a point. Raph is the most hippo-like among us." They all share a chuckle at the comment.

Raph then turns to Donnie and says, "I need a little more of that female hippo scent." Donnie reaches into his gear and pulls out a perfume bottle, spraying some scent on Raph. "Jazzy fresh," he remarks.

Suddenly, Ray hears someone calling for help in the distance. The turtles quiet down to listen, confirming that it must be the monster hippo they are searching for. Raph exclaims, "Guys, that must be him."

They leap from the rooftops and land in a park playground. From atop a playhouse, they spot two lighted arrows pointing towards a magician's saw box, with a worm's head sticking out from one end. A spotlight shines on the box, and the arrows fall over.

"Does anyone else find this whole thing a little..." Leo starts, searching for the right word. Donnie continues, "...odd. Just..." Ray finishes his sentence, "...a little."

Mikey's eyes light up at the mention of a "magic worm." Raph reassures everyone, "Totally legit." He jumps down from the playhouse but gets stuck. "Not again," Leo sighs

As they try to free Raph from being stuck, they hear laughter coming from the magic worm. "Ha, ha, ha, ha! Stepped right into my goop trap," the worm says. Raph is confused and asks, "Your what now?" The worm repeats, "Goop trap."

Mikey gasps in disbelief, "Talking magic worm?" and gleefully slides down the playground slide.  The worm, attempts to make his grand entrance but is constantly interrupted by the turtles' confusion.

"I'm sorry, Warren who?" Leo interrupts. Warren tries again, "Stop it! Stone. I'm your greatest fo—," but Leo cuts him off once more, suggesting, "Ah, don't tell me. What are you? Uh, Worm-Man?"

Ray, focused on helping Raph, interrupts the banter and asks her teammates, "Can you guys help get him unstuck?" Donnie and Leo join Ray in the struggle to free Raph from the trap, while Warren continues to be frustrated by their lack of recognition.

After several attempts, Ray feels something slimy on her feathers and releases her hold on Raph. She discovers Warren clinging to her wing and reacts in horror. She vigorously shakes her wings, trying to dislodge him, screaming, "Get it off me!"

Warren loses his grip and lands on Leo's head. Panicking, Leo shouts, "Ah, get it off of me! It's gross!" In his attempt to remove Warren, he accidentally smacks him off his head with his sword, inadvertently cutting Warren into two pieces.

Concerned, Raph asks Leo, "Oh, what did you do?" They all stare at the divided Warren, who is missing his bottom half. Leo defends himself, saying, "He was on my head! I panicked!"

As they wonder if Warren will be okay, his bottom half starts moving independently. Raph exclaims, "Is he gonna be okay?! He's in two pieces!" The turtles huddle together, jumping and screaming in fear, seeking safety behind Raph.

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