The Fast and the Furriest

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Ray sat alone in her apartment's dojo, diligently practicing with her mystic tessan. Her family was occupied elsewhere, leaving Ray to focus on her training. She aimed to control the gusts of wind that her fan could produce, using her tessan to slice through the air with precision. As she executed a powerful strike, a sudden breeze swept through the room, knocking over the training dummy. A satisfied smile formed on Ray's face as she realized her progress with harnessing the tessan's mystical powers.

However, her moment of tranquility was abruptly interrupted as the door to the dojo was forcefully kicked down, and the four turtle brothers entered, led by Donnie. Startled, Ray looked at them with confusion. "Hand her over, Ray!" Donnie demanded, pointing his tech-bo menacingly at her.

"What?" Ray responded, taken aback by the accusation. "Don't play dumb with me. I know you took it," Donnie persisted, pointing an accusing finger in her direction.

As the brothers explored the dojo, Leo admired the weapon-filled walls, momentarily distracted. Mikey, on the other hand, noticed a picture of Hano and inquired, "Oooo, is that Master Hano?"

Donnie, frustrated with the distractions, refocused his attention on Ray. "Guys, focus!" he urged. Ray, maintaining her composure, crossed her arms and calmly asserted, "Look, I have no idea what you're talking about."

Donnie jabbed his finger at Ray's forehead, accusing her further. "Don't know? Sure, that's what they all say, but you," he panted, trying to make his point.

Ray took a deep breath, channeling her inner calm. She grabbed Donnie's finger off her forehead and expertly bent it, causing him to cry out in pain. A smile played on Ray's lips as she addressed Donnie, "You suspect me, your best friend since forever, of 'stealing' something I know nothing about?"

Raph, eager to defuse the tension, chimed in, "No, not really." Ray released Donnie's throbbing finger, her smile widening. "I didn't take whatever you think I took," she affirmed, "but I'll help you find it."

With a playful gesture, Ray pointed at the broken door and added, "After you fix the door." A nervous chuckle escaped the turtles as they agreed to her terms and quickly fixed the broken door.


Ray, now donned in her ninja outfit, joined the turtles as they scoured the streets of New York City in search of Donnie's missing Turtle tank. They leaped from one rooftop to another, swiftly navigating the city skyline.

"So, let me get this straight," Ray interjected as they bounded over a building. "You're saying that you transformed the Jupiter Jim moon buggy, you and Mikey 'bought', into a tank and someone took it?" She raised an eyebrow, trying to make sense of the situation.

Donnie nodded solemnly. "Yes, she is a magnificent vehicle, and now it's gone. Whoever took my baby will feel my wrath," he growled, a determined fire in his eyes.

Leo sighed, shaking his head. "He's been like this the whole night," he murmured to Ray, sharing a knowing look.

As they reached a nearby alleyway, Raph furrowed his brow, deep in thought. "It's not you or April, so it must be another mutant," he deduced, his mind working through the possibilities.

Leo, with a sudden realization, exclaimed, "I know where we can find mutants. The mutant pizza place!" He took the lead, guiding the group towards the secret location.

Raph made a hand gesture, revealing the entrance to the hidden pizza place. They entered, and Leo stepped forward confidently. "Ah, the old smooth urban cop digging for info in a restaurant routine. Watch and learn, babies," he said, a mischievous grin on his face.

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