Pizza Pit

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"The moon was full like a big pie of pizza, and that can only mean one thing..." Raph narrates with excitement in his voice. "Pizza week!" he sings, leaping over a rooftop.

"Pizza week!" Leo joins in, singing a little higher as he follows Raph's lead.

"Pizza week!" Donnie chimes in, keeping up with the melody.

"Pizza Week!" Mikey adds his energetic voice to the mix.

Ray finishes the impromptu concert with the highest note, and they all land on a nearby rooftop, harmonizing in unison, "PIZZA WEEK!" The teens grin at each other, and Donnie concludes, "And scene."

"Everybody, set your stomachs to 'I'm not stopping till I explode' mode. It's time we get our pizza on," Raph declares with enthusiasm.

"Get ready for the delicious flavors and complex emotions of our first stop! And my personal favorite, Lou Mike Tony's Pizza!" Mikey cheers, pointing to a pizza shop down below.

However, their excitement quickly turns to dismay when the building unexpectedly collapses, causing Mikey to cry out in grief, "NOOOO!!!! Where'd it go?"

"I think it's closed," Leo says, trying to console his distraught brother.

"My phone says it's open until ten," Donnie says, searching for the place on his phone.

"Chill out, Mikey, maybe they're renovating," Ray suggests, patting the box turtle's shell, but it does little to comfort him.

"Who would do this? Why pizza supreme in the sky? Why do you test us like this? Why aren't you guys more upset?" Mikey asks, looking at his brothers.

They all half-heartedly groan and whine about how much they are saddened by the loss of the pizzeria.

"Ummm, I'm sad?" Donnie says, attempting to offer some sympathy.

"You didn't like Lou Mike Tony's?" Mikey asks, a bit offended.

"Gonna be honest with you, the bug review on Yelp wasn't that good," Ray says.

Mikey holds back a sob, "Okay, now that we've all moved on, let's get us some of my favorite Tony Lou's Pizza," Donnie says, pointing to a pizza shop on the other side of the street. To their horror, they realize that it has also crumbled to the ground.

"NOOOOO!!!!" Mikey and Donnie cry in unison.

"I only pretended to care when it happened to Mikey's favorite pizza place... but now that it's happened to me. I hurt," Donnie cries, and Mikey hugs his older brother with tears in his eyes.

"Both our favorites were sinkholed. This is the worst pizza week ever!" Mikey laments, and the three other teens watch their brothers' reactions, not knowing what to do.

"Can we just grab some Wall Street pizza?" Ray groans, her tummy rumbling, attempting to lighten the mood.

Later in the tank, Donnie stands over a conspiracy board, pins and strings connecting various pizza-related locations and pictures, while Mikey clings to a cozy blanket.

"To lose one pizza place is just New York real estate, but to lose two pizza places? That's a conspiracy that goes all the way to the top! What do Lou Mike-Tony's and Tony Lou's Pizzeria have in common?" Donnie asks, his voice charged with intensity.

"Besides both being pizza places?" Leo answers, raising an eyebrow at his brother's unusual behavior.

"Exactly! They're both pizza places, but not just any pizza places. Two of our favorite pizza places! And what's the key thing they have in common?!" Donnie presses on, his agitation growing.

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