Fourth of July

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Ray sighed as she picked at the food on her plate, feeling out of place at the Fourth of July party. Her mother and Daniel had been invited by a so-called "friend" of Hano, who was more of a rival than a true friend. Reluctantly, they attended the event to maintain appearances.

"Ray, check out that girl," David whispered, pointing towards a familiar blonde across the room. "You mean Taylor Martin?" Ray asked, unimpressed. "You know her?" David asked, surprised by the connection. "She's the most popular girl at my school, but trust me, she's stuck up," Ray explained, dismissing any interest.

"You have to introduce me to her," David insisted excitedly. Ray rolled her eyes, feeling frustrated. She excused herself from the party and walked a distance away, seeking some solace. Pulling out her phone, she dialed Leo's number. "Hola!" Leo's voice answered cheerfully. "Leo, can you portal me to you guys?" Ray asked, her voice filled with urgency. "I don't know, can I?" Leo teased. "Leo, please," Ray pleaded. "Alright, do you have the goods though?" Leo asked, concerned. Ray patted the black bag by her side. "I've got them," she assured him. A blue portal appeared next to her, and she stepped through, emerging on the other side to meet the turtles and April, who were on the roof of a building.

"Heyo," Ray greeted them with a smile. Mikey immediately hugged her in excitement. "Looking good," April complimented, eyeing Ray's stylish outfit. Ray had chosen to wear a white turtleneck with a black plaid dress, paired with black Mary Janes. "You're rocking the plaid," Donnie remarked, admiring her fashion choice. "Aw, thanks guys," Ray replied gratefully.

"So, you got the goods?" Raph asked, his curiosity piqued. Ray smirked mischievously and dumped the contents of her bag onto the floor, revealing various fireworks and poppers. "Would I ever let you down?" Ray asked confidently. The turtles and April cheered in excitement. "Aww yeah!"

"This is gonna be so lit, pun intended," Leo remarked, anticipation building in his voice. "What are we waiting for? Let's light these babies," April declared, grabbing a handful of fireworks. They lined up the fireworks, moving back to a safe distance, preparing to ignite them. "Who's gonna light it?" Mikey asked eagerly. "I will!" Donnie exclaimed, holding up a match. "No," Raph intervened, blowing out the match. "UHHHHHHH!" Donnie groaned in disappointment.

"It should be someone responsible," Leo suggested, thinking carefully. "Like April," Mikey chimed in. "I was going to say me, but whatever," Leo added with a chuckle. "Ray, I have something for you," Donnie said, using the arms of his battle shell, hands Ray a pair of special headphones. Ray gladly accepted the gift and placed the headphones over her sensitive ears.

With April taking charge of the fireworks, she lit them one by one and moved to a safe distance. The fireworks shot up into the sky, creating a dazzling display of lights. The teens watched in awe, captivated by the spectacle before them.

After the fireworks show, they quickly made their way back to the lair, as Ray's heightened senses picked up the sound of approaching people. It was surprising that she could even hear with the headphones on. In the lair, they playfully popped the poppers, reveling in the loud cracks and streamers.

This is so much better than a boring party," Ray exclaimed, feeling the excitement and camaraderie among the turtles and April as they settled in the center of the lair. The atmosphere was filled with a sense of joy and celebration.

"Happy Fourth," April said with a smile, looking around at her friends. The turtles echoed the sentiment, their voices filled with genuine happiness. "Happy Fourth!" they replied in unison, their voices carrying the warmth of friendship and unity.

They spent the rest of the evening laughing, sharing stories, and enjoying each other's company. The lair echoed with their cheerful banter, creating an atmosphere of pure bliss. It was a Fourth of July celebration they would never forget, surrounded by the ones who understood them the most.

As the night went on, they reflected on the importance of this holiday and the freedoms they fought to protect. They felt grateful for each other, their unique bond as a family, and the adventures they shared. In that moment, they realized that true happiness was found not in grand parties or extravagant events but in the simple moments of connection and togetherness.

With hearts full of gratitude and joy, they embraced the spirit of the Fourth of July, cherishing the freedom they had and the bonds they had formed. The turtles, Ray, and April knew that in each other's company, every day felt like a celebration worth treasuring.

And so, they continued to enjoy the festivities, cherishing the memories they were creating, and feeling the love and camaraderie that made them a family.

A/n: Happy fourth guys!

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