I'm in love with ash

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Welcome to my new book this part will have homophobia and angst so if you don't like those things please skip to the non parts plx enjoy :) also they are 18 19

Goh has had a crush on Ash since they first met but he does have to be careful if he does date ash then he will have to stay away from his homophobic friend.

Ash is knocked out on his bunk bed with pikachu right next to him while Goh is just waking up to get dressed.

"Ash?" Ash moved a little while pikachu gets up 

"pikachu can you wake ash up?" pikachu nods and they smack him in the face with an iron tail

"ow what the fuck was that for" Goh wided his eyes

"Ash you cuss" Ash gets up

"Yes but rarely" Goh smiled and blushes a little

"let's get ready I heard the professor has a surprise for us"

Ash and Goh get dressed and head on over to the professor where he is waiting for them.

"morning boys" Professor Cerise welcomes them

Both: Morning Professor

"Since you two have been doing so well up to this point i'm sending you guys to alola to relax"

Ash's eyes wided and tears started to form

"no...." Goh turned to him

"nonononononono" Ash started to cry really loud and ran

"Ash!?!" Goh ran after him.

Ash was in the bathroom crying and Goh followed him

"Ash...can i come in" Ash hums in response

Goh opens the door and sit next to Ash on the floor

"what's wrong ash" Ash looked up at goh

"You remember my friends from alola right" Goh nods

"After we went our different ways I went back to alola to see them but then I decided to tell them something big" Goh listened closely 

"I told them that I was bi and that I liked Guys and Girls Lana,mallow,sophocles,and lille all supported me but kiawe did not and he started yelling at me and beating me up"

Goh's eye's wided

"And he t-told me to never come back and if I did things would be worse"

Ash started to cry harder and louder Goh was trying to calm him down but couldn't think of anything but then he had an idea he pulled Ash in for a hug. Ash was surprised but accepted the hug Goh was blushing a lot and in his mind he want to tell ash about his feelings but he decided its not the right time for it.

"Ash listen to me when we get there I will make sure you don't get hurt okay?" Ash looks up and nods Goh carefully helps ash to their bedroom and waits for him to fall asleep and then he went back to Professor Cerise to tell him what happened.

"Please take care of him when you get there Goh" 

"I will" Goh heads back to the bedroom to see Ash tossing and turning in his sleep. Goh walks up to him and puts the cover over him and Ash calmed down Goh then gets on his top bunk and falls asleep to and says

"hopefully tomorrow is better"

YAY my first Ash x Goh book I LOVE this ship And would DIE for it but yeah I made kiawe homophobic because me personally did not like him in the anime so that's why and my next part will have kissing in it.

Word Count : 548

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