Our Scary Adventure

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Tw: Blood and heavy angst

Today Goh and Ash travel to different parts of the alola region to have fun and learn new things.

They go to pony island and stay there for three days with everyone and at this point Ash has been telling Goh to enter the island challenge while they were there and Hapu was Goh's last opponent. 

Goh decided to fight Hapu on the last day that their there. 

"Alola everyone" Hapu is waiting for them at the pier

Everyone: Alola!!

Hapu smiles and takes them to her house but she asks

"Hey guys where's Kiawe" Everyone fell silent.

After a few seconds Goh speaks up

"To tell you the truth" Goh takes a deep breath

"Kiawe was homophobic and attacked Ash and stabbed his arm and leg for being bi and for coming back to alola" And just when Goh is about to finish talking a flamethrower comes at him.

Everyone gets out of the way then everyone stops in their tracks to see....Kiawe

Kiawe walks to them with a smurk on his face and starts laughing

"You Really thought you got rid of me heh" Everyone keeps their guard up but Ash is not taking it too well.

"Kiawe what are you doing here" Kiawe smiles wider

"To.Get.REVENGE" Kiawe calls out his pokemon and starts giving orders to attack Ash and Goh.

Hapu gets in front of them and calls her Mudstale and Golurk out to tank the hits.

"Ash! Goh! Head to the pier i'll take care of this" Ash and Goh run to the pier with Everyone right behind them but Kiawe stops them.

Kiawe Punches Ash in the Arm and starts beating him up. Goh called out Cinderace 

"Cinderace! Blaze Kick!" Cinderace hits Kiawe but Ash is on the floor bleeding out.

"ASHH!" Goh runs up to him

"Ash don't you dare leave me" Ash smiles 

"Goh you have been that best thing in my life I know you will do great things" Ash passes out and they try to rush him to the hospital but Kiawe isn't done he pulls out a knife and stabs Goh in the chest. Goh falls and Passes out.

3 hours later Ash wakes up Everyone is relived

"Guys where's Goh" They looked at him with tears in their eyes. Mallow walk up to Ash and says

"Goh got stabbed in the chest and is in a coma" Ash started to cry

"W-What no" Ash starts to cry really hard

"No-he can't be..." Ash gets out of the bed and runs to find Goh.

Ash finally finds Goh. Ash tries to wake him up but its no use.

"Ash..." Ash looked up at the doctor

"Goh will be in a coma for a year the damage he took was a lot" Ash could not belive what he was hearing. Ash runs out of the hospital in angry tears and screams at the top of his lungs

"WHY WHY WHY!!!!!" He starts punching a tree really hard and all Pikachu can do is watch.

"I-I want to spend the rest of my life with him but now I can't tell him what's in my heart" Ash's Breathing starts to slow down.

Ash gets up to find something sharp

TW: Self harm ahead

Pikachu steps back As Ash starts to cut himself

"The only way for me to be happy while he's in his coma is to cut" Ash cuts his whole body and covers it up and says

"It's only temporary right"

Word Count:555

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