Nothing can break our love

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This part will have blood and homophobia so please skip the non blood and non homophobic parts please now enjoy

Ash and Goh were having a great time in Alola and their relationship was getting stronger but of course someone has to ruin that.

Ash and Goh were cuddling and relaxing in their room Goh was rubbing  Ash's head while Ash was on his phone.

"Ash what are you looking at?" Ash turned to Goh

"Kiawe got on the news it says that he was stripped from the kahuna spot because of his homophobic mind and refusing to battle LGBTQ+ Trainers" Goh was shocked

"well that's what he gets" Ash nods 

Later Ash and Goh go on a walk with Cinderace and Lucario who started dating a few days ago.

Just then a flamethrower attack comes to Ash. Ash and Goh dodge it barely And standing right in front of them was Kiawe red as a apple.

" I LOST EVERYTHING BECAUSE OF YOU AND NOW YOUR GONNA PAY" Ash was scared Goh stepped in front of Ash and called out Inteleon and Cinderace.

"Cinderace Blaze Kick Inteleon snipe shot!" Cinderace and Inteleon uses their attacks and Kiawe's Pokemon all faint.

"ugh you know what i don't need pokemon to beat you up" Kiawe runs up to Ash and starts punching him really hard. Ash starts to bleed a lot Goh calls the Professor and tells him what's going on.

"K-Kiawe stop *coughs up blood* p-please..." Kiawe didn't move and kept punching Ash

"Now its time for you to go" Kiawe pulls out a knife and stabs Ash in the arm and leg.

"AHHHHHHH" Ash screams loudly in pain 

"Ash!!!" Goh slaps the knife out of Kiawe's hand. Kiawe was about to punch Goh but just then Professor Kukui stops him and he has Officer Jenny next to him.

"Kiawe you are under arrest for attempt of murder" Officer Jenny arrests Kiawe and Goh and Professor Kukui take Ash to the Pokemon Center.

2 Hours later

"I have good news Mr Ash is stable but He will not be able to walk for 2 weeks so make sure he stays in bed" Goh nods and takes Ash home.

When they got home Goh took Ash to their room To lay Ash down.

"Now lay down and rest love okay" Ash nods and falls asleep.

Goh kisses Ash on the forehead and gets in bed with him and falls asleep with him saying

"Nothing can break our love"

Word Count:399

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