Nightmares and bliss

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this will have kissing in it enjoy :)

Ash was sound asleep but Goh was tossing and turning in his sleep.

In his dream: "You like ME HAH as if I will like you and plus even if I dated you Kiawe would never approve of us" Goh was crying and screaming then he wakes up to Ash shaking him.

"Goh wake up!" Goh shoots up out of his bed and is breathing heavy.

"Goh what's wrong your crying" Ash was scared. Goh decided to tell Ash every thing

"A-Ash i'm in love with you" Ash is surprised and tried to say something but got cut off.

"Before you respond I have loved you since the Lugia day and i have wanted to tell you but i couldn't find the words to tell you and what you said yesterday scared me to tell you even more how is Kiawe going to react-HMMM!?!?" Ash kissed Goh on the mouth.

Ash and Goh were kissing for a minute then pulled away

"I love you too Goh I was scared to but I know that we are strong when we are together"

Goh smiled and hugged Ash really tight 

"Thank you for accepting me Ash" Ash smiled and kissed Goh on the forehead

"So are we dating now?" Goh smiled but then got sad

"How are we going to tell your friends in alola?" 

"We are, I don't care what Kiawe says" Goh smiles and cuddles into Ash

Chloe walks in and sees Ash and Goh cuddling. She smiled and took a picture of them and left.

The next day Ash and Goh go to the alola region and get a room to themselves and told the Professors about their relationship and about Kiawe. Professor Kukui told Ash and Goh if Kiawe landed a single hand on them to tell him about it.

Later they went to the Pokemon school and Ash's gang was waiting.

"Ash its been to long"Mallow runs up to him

"Hello Mallow hi Lana hi Lillie hi sophocles" Ash and Goh greeted everyone. Everyone was happy to see Ash but one person...Kiawe.

"What are YOU doing here freak" Ash walked up to him

"I'm here for a break from research" Kiawe got mad

"Didn't I tell you not to come back bitch" Goh walked up to him

"Yes you did say that but we are not going to listen to you" Kiawe was red with rage and was about to hit them both but then Professor Kukui came in.

"Kiawe leave now" Kiawe gave Ash the death stare and left with his Pokemon.

After their lesson Ash and Goh went to take a walk on the beach. They sat down on the sand and sent out Cinderace and Lucario. 

"Ash c-can I ask you something" Ash nods

"C-Can I kiss you not like a quick kiss but like a make out kiss.."

Ash comes closer to Goh and kisses him with passion Goh returns the kiss with more passion.

After 30 minutes of them making out they pull away 

"I loved that" Goh half smiles

"I-I loved it too" Ash kisses Goh on the cheek and they head home.

They get into some pj's then get into their bed and cuddles until they fall asleep.

Yay they are ok hopefully Kiawe does not come back -_- but anyways keep reading to find out what happens to them :)

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