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TW:Cutting and Blood

It's been a year since Ash started cutting. And Today Goh is waking up from his coma but Ash doesn't visit him.

At the hospital

Goh is now waking up

"hmm..." Lana and Mallow look at him and smile

"Goh you're awake!!!" Goh looks at them

"Guys where's Ash" Lana And Mallow look at each other 

"he's at professor Kukui's house but hasn't left ever since you got into a coma"

Goh was confused

"How long was I out for" 

"A Year....." Goh shot up 

" A YEAR!?!?!?" Goh got up

"Take me to him NOW" Mallow and Lana were confused

"Why?" Goh got worried

"When i get hurt and have to be in the hospital for a few days he gets really sad and refuses to come out until i'm better and worse yet he might start harming himself!!!"

Mallow and Lana Were shocked they rushed Goh to professor Kukui's house.

Goh walked into thier room to see Ash cutting himself everywhere and the spark in his eye was gone his eyes were red from crying and there was blood everywhere. 

Goh ran up to Ash and slapped the knife out of Ash's hands

"G-Goh" Ash starts to cry again

"WHAT DO YOU THINK YOU'RE DOING" Goh starts to cry to

"Why are you cutting yourself Ash...." Ash looked at him

"Because it made me happy" Goh looked at him with shock

"What!" Ash looked away from Goh

"Goh.. When Kiawe stabbed you i couldn't help you but after i woke up i really wanted to see you.....but when i heard you were in a coma i just broke down in tears I didn't want to be sad so i cut to make myself happy while you were in a coma....but it made me fall into a deep depression it made me want to cut more and more until i just didn't feel pain any more" Goh was in shock

"I'm sorry Goh i wanted to stop but i couldn't" Goh couldn't take it any more Goh pulled Ash into a passionate kiss. Ash was in tears and his spark came back. Ash kissed Goh back with happy tears in his eyes. Goh Pulls away

"Ash listen to me" Ash looks at him

"I love you with all my heart and i know you do too but....please don't do that again it hurt me seeing you hurt" Ash smiled "I won't I promise" Ash hugged Goh tight

"Ash lets get you patched up" Ash nods

Goh patches Ash's wounds and they change into some comfy clothes and decide to cuddle for the rest of the day.

Goh was on his phone when Ash cuddles closer to him

"GOHHHHH get off your phone and cuddle with me!!!!" Goh smiled and puts his phone away

"I love you Goh"

"I love you too"

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