Ash's Birthday

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Now I know Ash's birthday is in may but i wanted to make a birthday part so here it is

Today is Ash's birthday and Goh planned a big party for him with all his old partners

Ash is asleep and Goh wakes up

"Today is the day"

Goh kisses Ash on the cheek and gets up and goes to wake up Susie and Cameron

"Susie Cameron time to wake up its Ash's birthday!!!"

Susie and Cameron wake up with smiles on their faces

"So what do you want us to do dad?"

"I will explain when we get to the Pokemon school."

Goh asks the professors to keep Ash busy before the party and takes Susie and Cameron to the Pokemon school

"Alola everyone" Goh greets everyone and introduces Susie and Cameron

"they are so cute congrats Goh" Lana says

"Thanks Lana now it's time to get ready for Ash's party and i have the plan right here"

Goh pulls out a blueprint and tells everyone what to do

"Okay Mallow your in charge of food and lana will help you with the drinks Kiawe and sophocles you are in charge of the guest list and music and finally Lilie you are in charge of the decor while I will get him to the party when its does everyone know what to do?" 

Everybody nods and gets to work

3 hours later the party is ready for Ash

Goh goes back to the house to get Ash

"Goh where have you been I've been worried sick" Ash hugs Goh. Goh smiles and kisses Ash on the cheek

"I have a surprise for you babe" Ash smiles

"A surprise wow"

"Yep now follow me"

Goh takes Ash to the Pokemon school while he is wearing a blindfold

"Okay babe you can take off the blindfold now"

Ash takes off the blindfold


Everybody: Happy birthday Ash!!!!!

"Wow thanks everyone"

The party was a blast so far until Pikachu gets caught in a net

Jessie:Prepare for trouble with a party to crash

James: Prepare to be there within a flash

Jessie: To protect the world from devastation

James: to unite all people within our nation

Jessie: to denounce the evils of truth and love

James: to extend our reach to the stars above


"and James"

Jessie: Team rocket blast off at the speed of light

James" surrender now or prepare for a fun fight

Meowth: Meowth that's right

it was team rocket

"Team Rocket on my special day really!"

"Now twerp we don't pass up a chance to steal Pikachu...Now if you will excuse us we will be leaving now" Team rocket were about to leave but then 

"It's your turn Cinderace!!!"


"Cinderace use pyro ball" Cinderace uses pyro ball and breaks Pikachu out of the cage

"Lucario i choose you"

Lucario comes out

"Use Aura Sphere"

"Cinderace use pyro ball again"

Cinderace and Lucario both use their attacks and hit team rocket

Team Rocket: were blasting off again

After that the party continues

Ash and Goh are siting down

"Thank you for throwing me this party Goh"

"No problem babe" Ash smiles

"I will return the favor on your birthday"

"I can't wait.." Goh kisses Ash on the forehead

"I love you honey"

"I love you too Goh"

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