Boba Date?

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Ash and Goh are going on a date today before their kids come back from Chloe's.

Ash's POV

I'm on my phone trying to find the best place for our date. Then I find something that catches my eye. A new Boba shop opened up nearby. "This is perfect" I say. I look at Goh sleeping peacefully. I smile and give a kiss on his forehead and cheek.


Ash gets up to make Goh some breakfast for him when he wakes up. Ash gets to the kitchen and turns on some music

You've been there for me when I needed

Someone Fightin on my team

You were always belive'n

That's how it's supposed to be

I will never leave your side

I'll go anywhere with you

Lighting strikes or any shades of blue

The Journey's the best part

Even when the road get's hard

I'll go anywhere when i'm with you

With you

You know doesn't matter where we go

You can count on me staying

Rain or shine it won't break us

That's how it's supposed to be

I would never leave your side

I'll go anywhere with you

Lighting strikes or any shades of blue

The Journey's the best part

Even when the road gets hard

I'll go anywhere when i'm with you

With you.

After the song there was a knock at the door

Ash: Who could that be, the kids don't get home until 9

Ash walks to the door and opens it to see Professor Cerise.

Goh wakes up and goes to see what's going on.

Ash: Hello Professor what a surprise.

Cerise: Ash where is Goh

Goh walks in

Goh: What is it Professor

Cerise: Chole is missing I can't find her anywhere

Ash and Goh were shocked

Goh: what happened?

Cerise: She was on her way to take your kids back but she said she had to get gas. It's been an hour since I heard from her....

Ash and Goh were shocked; they knew that they needed to find Chole.

Ash: Goh I was going to take you on a date but let's find Chole.

Goh: Yes let's go

Ash and Goh gather some strong Pokemon in case she is in trouble and head out to find her. Professor Cerise let them know where she was last seen and they went there.

Meanwhile with Chole


Jessie: No way you being gone means the twerp is looking for you

Meowth: And that means that Pikachu is ours

Chole: You will never get Pikachu, you always fail.

James: Not this time we have a plan

Team rocket laughs and Chole tries to get out of the rope but fails

Chole: Ash Goh please help me

With Ash and Goh they find where Chloe is being held.


Meowth: Never twerp

Jessie: Well we will if you give up pikachu

Ash: no way in hell i'm doing that

Ash calls out some of his strongest pokemon

Team rocket: uh oh

Ash make them do their most powerful move and team rocket went blasting off again.

Chloe: Thank you ash for saving me

Ash: no problem

Ash and Goh bring Chloe back to professor Cerise

Cerise: Thank you too for saving Chloe

Goh: No problem professor Cerise

Sorry this took so long so much stuff was happening but i'm back!

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