Ash's Revenge

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 Ash doesn't have the courage to top Goh. But other than that enjoy

Ash and Goh were cuddling in their bed. Ash was sleeping while cuddled up with Goh while Goh was on his phone looking at old pictures of them.

Goh: aww these pictures bring me back!

After Goh said that Ash woke up sleepily 

Ash: hmmm....

Goh: hm? oh good afternoon love~

Ash: afternoon to you to love

Goh smiled brightly as he puts his phone away to cuddle Ash more

Ash: I know I normally don't say this but we've been in bed long enough

Goh: yeah your right let's get up

just a little note their adoptive children Cameron and Susie have moved out of the house

They both get up and throw something on and go pay mimey a visit.

Ash and Goh headed to the house but were stopped by...

Elvis: Hey guys! fancy meeting you here!

Ash: Elvis! what are you doing here?

Goh: yeah i thought you lived in paldea

Elvis: well i wanted to know more about other regions so i'm exploring each one!

Goh: that's great!

Elvis: so where are you two headed

Ash: we are going to see mimey he has been looking over the house ever since....

Ash paused but continued

Ash: Ever since my mom died

Elvis was shocked she didn't know Ash's mom was dead. She wanted to say something but couldn't

Goh took Ash's hand and rubbed it for comfort. Ash smiled and signaled Goh to let go of his hand

Elvis: i'm sorry for your lost

Ash: its okay i just don't like talking about it

Goh: Ash we don't have to go if you don't want to....

Ash: no its fine...

Elvis felt uncomfortable and waved goodbye while having a sad smile on her face.

Ash sighs but keeps walking

Later they arrive at the house and mimey is waiting for them

Ash: hey mimey what are you doing out here?

Mr Mime pointed to a for sale sign

Goh: no way....

Both Ash and Goh: YOU'RE SELLING THE HOUSE!?!?!?!?!?

Mr mime nods and writes something down on a piece of paper and gives it to Ash

Ash takes the paper and starts to read

Ash: "I had to put it up for sale because they wouldn't let me take care of the house without the owner".

Both Ash and Goh: Ohhhhh that's why

Mr mime nods and writes on another piece of paper and gives it to Goh

Goh: "I'm going to live with Professor Cerise to help out".

Ash: good for you mimey!!!

Goh: yeah that's great we will make sure to visit!

Mr mime smiles and walks off and Ash and Goh go back home.


After they get home Goh goes to the bedroom to take a nap and Ash decides to watch TV

While watching Tv Ash thinks about things

Ash's Mind: How come me and Goh are switches how come I haven't topped him in a while.

Ash then was thinking about topping Goh as revenge for making him limp badly by showing him what the bottom struggle is.

After 1 hour Goh comes into the living room to hopefully find Ash.

Suddenly Ash pulls Goh into their living room bathroom

W: Spicy :)

Goh was confused until he felt hands on his waist it was Ash

Goh: *Blushing*Ash what are you doing 

Ash: Getting revenge~

Ash's POV

I pull Goh into a passionate kiss while pulling him close. I open my eyes to see him melting into it so I continue by rubbing  his thigh "mmmm~ ah~" there is the noise i wanted to hear I stop rubbing his thigh.

No one's POV

Ash starts to kiss and lick Goh's neck.

Goh: A-Ash~ mgh~ h-hold on-AHHH~

Goh moans loudly as Ash bits down on his neck so hard it starts to bleed. Ash smiles

Ash: this is payback 


Ash kisses Goh again but this time he uses his tongue

After 20 seconds they both pull away breathless

Goh: A-Ash i'm sorry but why are you doing this you are lying about something

Ash pauses but answers

Ash: well remember we are both switches but you have been topping me a lot so i want to top you after so long but it's mostly revenge.

Goh was shocked he forgot that they were both switches and he forgot Ash didn't have a chance to top him

Goh: i'm sorry I forgot

Ash had an idea

Ash: i will forgive you IF you become a bottom for a month and you let me have my way with you on the last day of the month~~

Goh was blushing so hard but agreed

Ash smiled and pecked Goh's lips

Ash: this is going to be fun.

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