Our special date

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Today Ash decided to take Goh on a date to apologize for him not visiting Goh at the hospital.

Ash was getting ready when Goh walked in on him changing

"GOH!?!?" Goh blushed so hard and quickly closed the door

"I'm sorry Ash" Ash smiled 

"it's okay Goh you didn't mean it,now get ready for our date"

Goh nodded and got ready for their date

Ash took Goh to the places that he liked and to the places Goh liked then after all the exploring they took a breather on a beach near Mallow's Family restaurant

"thank you for Taking me on this date Ash" Ash smiles

"No problem Goh!" 

Goh and Ash stared at each other for a while then Ash leans in

"may I?" Goh nods and Ash kisses Goh on the lips and they make out for a while but ash takes it to another level.

Ash pushes Goh down and kisses his neck 

"A-Ash" Ash starts to bite and suck his neck Goh grunts louder

Goh keeps grunting but pushed Ash away

"A-Ash..wait we shouldn't do this here we are out on the open.." Ash looked at Goh

"Okay but we are continuing this when we get home~" (they are switches btw)

Goh was red from blush but shook it off.

They went inside Mallow's restaurant to eat then they were going to go back home.

"Welcome" Mallow Welcomed Ash and Goh with open arms

"What can I get for you two love birds~" Ash and Goh ordered their food

After 30 minutes they paid and left to go back to professor Kukui's house

When they got there both of the professor's were not home and Ash had an idea

They got to their room and Ash bent down to Pikachu 

"Hey buddy can you step out for me please i'll let you know when you can come back in ok?"

Pikachu nodded and left their room to go play with grooky and the other Pokemon

Ash closed and locked the door Goh looked behind him confused

"Ash why did you lock the door?"Ash didn't respond

" Ash walked up to Goh and kissed him

Goh kissed him back. Ash then walks Goh to a wall and pins him to it

Goh pulls away in shock

"Ash what are you doing" Ash smiles again

"Goh listen to me" Goh calmed down and gave Ash eye contact

"I love you so much and i know this might be weird so I want to see if I have your consent"

Goh was confused

"Consent for what" Ash took a deep breath

"I want to adopt a chlid " Goh was shocked

"really!?!?" Ash nodded

"Listen Goh if you're not ready yet then I get it" Goh Kissed Ash on the forehead

"I didn't expect you to say that of all people but I'll let you know okay but right now you were going to mark me correct?" 

"No.." Goh blushed really hard

"Do you want me to mark you Goh?" Goh looked away and nodded

Ash started kissing Goh neck.

"Ash~ Ahh~" Goh was grunting softly and trying not to make a sound

Ash started kissing more and got more ruff on Goh's neck

10 minutes later Ash had marked Goh entire neck 

"Now everyone will know you're mine~" Goh blushed and smiled at Ash

Goh Kissed Ash on the cheek 

"I love you Ash"

"I love you more Goh"

They both got ready for bed and fell asleep in each other's arms

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