The Best Date Ever

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This part will have kissing in it 


Today Goh is taking Ash on a date and he wants it to be the best day ever for him but little does Goh know Ash is going to make this day one of Goh's best days of his life.

Ash is knocked out and Goh is on his phone. He then decides to wake Ash up.

"Ash wake up~" Ash moves left and right

"hmmm....10 more minutes....." Goh laughs and moves closer to Ash and kisses him on the cheek and forehead

Ash opens his eyes

"Morning sleepyhead" Ash sits up

"morning Goh...." Ash yawns and cuddles up to Goh

"Are you ready for our date today babe?" Ash smiles and looks a Goh

"I'm more than ready!"

Ash and Goh get up for breakfast and when they get there everyone else is awake and eating

"Alola!" Ash and Goh greeted the professors and the gang

"Alola you two i hope you're hungry" Ash smiles

"YOU BET I AM" Goh rolls his eyes and blushes at Ash and his love for food

After an hour everyone left and Ash and Goh went to get ready for their date

before they left Ash told Goh that he had to talk to professor Burnet before they left

Goh nodded and let him go

"Professor Burnet" Burnet turns around

"What's up Ash?" Ash blushes

"I-I want to propose to but i don't know a good time to do it.."

Burnet smiles

"Just propose during a sunset it will be the perfect moment!" Ash smiles and thanks Burnet

Meanwhile with Goh he went to talk with Professor Kukui

"um professor Kukui.." Kukui turns around

"Yes Goh what is it?" Goh takes a deep breath 

"I-I want to propose to Ash but I don't know the right moment to tell him.."

Kukui smiles

"tell him at a sunset that's the best moment" Goh thanks Kukui

Ash and Goh leave for their date

they go to the market place, Mallow's restaurant and finally the beach where they are going to propose to each other.

Ash and Goh were cuddling while Cinderace, Lucario, Pikachu and Grooky play.

Ash decides to make the first move



"I want to tell you something"

"Go ahead" Ash takes a deep breath

"Goh I'm really glad I met you you're sweet caring and have a love for Pokemon like I do and I want to spend the rest of my life with you" Goh started to cry and Ash got on one knee

"So....Goh will you marry me?" Goh got down on one knee too

"Yes but..." Goh pulls out a ring

"Ash I love you with all my heart and there is nothing that can stop me from loving you so..."

"Ash Ketchum will you marry me?' Ash started crying

"Yes i will marry you Goh" they both hugged 

"I love you so much Goh" Goh smiles

"I love you to mi amor" Ash got confused

"Goh you speak Spanish?" 


"THAT'S SO COOL!!!!!" Goh blushes

"Thanks I guess" Ash blushes and kisses Goh on the cheek

"Let's head home" Ash and Goh hold hands

They get home and tell everyone the good news.

Everybody congratulated them.

Ash and Goh change into some comfy clothes and decided to chill for the rest of the day

"Hey Ash?"


"C-Can we adopt a child after we get married..." Ash was shocked

"Really! you want to.." Goh nods shyly

"I'm fine with it"


"Yeah Really" Goh kisses Ash on the forehead

"Thank you"

"No problem Goh"

They cuddled for the rest of the night and fell asleep right in each others arms

MY STORY IS #4 IN ASHXGOH OMG I'M SO HAPPY but any ways next part will be them planning their wedding 

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