Wedding plans

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Ash and Goh proposed at the same time and now they are discussing wedding plans

Goh was on his phone looking for decor for the wedding while Ash went out to find a suit for him and Goh

The wedding will be held outside on the beach Mallow was in charge of the food, Lana and her sisters were helping Lei become a flower boy, Lillie is in charge of the flowers and Kiawe and Sophocles were in charge of the music and the party list.

Later Ash came back with the suits and ties.

"I'm back Goh!" Goh get up from the table and kisses Ash on the cheek

"Welcome back mi amor" Ash smiles and blushes

"I have the suits"

"Great..hold on did you"

"Yep I asked to put our Pokemon partners on our suits and mine is blue and yours is red!!"

"W-Wow it looks so pretty" Ash nods

Ash and Goh tried on the suits and they both loved it but all they have to do now is to find out who will walk Goh down the aisle just then Cinderace came out of his Pokeball

"Cinder!(Let me do it)" Goh was confused

"Cinderace you want to do it"

"Cinderace!(HELL YEAH)"

"Thanks you're the best"

Ash hugs Goh

"I can't wait" Goh smiles

"Me too" Goh kisses Ash on the lips

"I love you so much"

"I love you too"

Later that day everyone came over to discuss what they have for the wedding.

Ash and Goh said yes to every idea.

After that everybody stayed for dinner but while everyone was eating Lucario had something big planned for Cinderace

Lucario looks for Cinderace while everyone is eating

"Cinderace!!" Cinderace looks behind him

"Yes what is it Lucario?" Lucario blushes

"Can you come with me I need to talk to you" Cinderace smiles

"Sure thing babe"(if you don't know Cinderace and Lucario are dating)

Lucario takes Cinderace out to the beach and there was a sunset so it was the perfect moment

"So what do you want to talk about" Lucario takes a deep breath

"Cinderace ever since we evolved I have loved you and when we confessed to each other i was so happy and now i want to spend the rest of my life with you so.." Lucario gets on one knee and Cinderace starts to cry

"Cinderace will you marry me?" Cinderace jumps on Lucario

"A thousand times yes!" Cinderace kisses Lucario on the lips

"I love you so much Lucario"

"I love you too Cinderace"

After that sweet confession they told there owners the news

"You know what Goh?" 

"What is it Ash"

"We should have Cinderace and Lucario's wedding on the same day" Goh smiles

"That's a great idea"

Cinderace and Lucario smile and they cuddle for the rest of the day

Ash and Goh are in bed smiling and cuddling

"I can't wait to marry you Goh"

"Me too Ash me too"

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