A sweet day

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Tw: mention of sex

Ash and Goh go back to Kanto permanently to look for a house to live in.

Ash: Goh i have some ideas in mind but I don't know which to pick.

Goh: well lets choose together!

Ash, Goh and their kids decided on one house it was three levels 3 bathroom 2 bedroom.

Ash paid for the house and started the moving process. After they moved in they took their kids to school and came back home.

Ash and Goh were sitting on the couch watching Leon have battles. Ash nuzzled into Goh sweetly Goh smiles.

Goh: what's up with you honey?

Ash: nothing you are just warm. Goh laughs and kisses Ash on the cheek

Goh: Te amo mi amor (I love you my love)

Ash: Goh i love you but you have to bring the Spanish down a little

Goh nods and this time kisses Ash on the lips. Ash returns the kiss sweetly. The kiss started to get out of hand both of their tongues latched onto each other. Goh rubs Ash's thigh slowly and kisses him more deeply. Ash moans a little and continues to moan as Goh rubs faster.

Goh pulls away with a string of saliva leaving both of their mouths. Ash looks at Goh confused about why he stopped but as soon as he thought that Goh got up closer and started kissing Ash's neck.

Ash: mhmm~ Goh b-be gentle

Goh: sure thing my love~

Goh kissed Ash's neck softer but Ash was still moaning and he was enjoying it too. Goh left a few hickeys and marks on his neck. But Ash said something unexpected.

Ash: Goh have you ever had... um... sex...

Goh: no why

Ash: because i want to do it.....

Goh was shocked but responded

Goh: we can but not now okay maybe later 

Ash nodded and cuddled up to Goh and fell asleep in his arms.

Goh kisses him on the cheek and lets him sleep

Goh's POV

I put Ash down and went to make him some scones. "Hmm lets see" I look up how to make scones and start the recipe. I hear a moan come from the couch. I walk over to see Ash just having a dream I smile and kiss him on the forehead and head back to the kitchen to finish making the scones.

Ash's POV

I wake up to smell a wonderful smell. I get up to see Goh making scones for me!

"Awww thanks baby" Goh jumps at my voice

"Love you scared me" 

"My bad Goh" We both laugh and eat the scones. I take a bite and scream out.

"Babe this is soo good" I continue to dominate the scones right in front of Goh. Goh looks at me and laughs and smiles at me.

No one's POV

Ash and Goh finish eating and go pick up their kids from school and decide to get ice cream for them(I'M CRYING I CAN'T HAVE DAIRY)

After getting ice cream they head home to help their kids with homework.

Goh's POV

I went to our room to get my clothes ready for my interview and i saw something that caught my eye it was an invite to a battle royal in the alola region.It's in the trash? "ASH!!! COME HERE"

"COMING BABE" Ash walked into the room " what's up babe?" "Do you know what this is"

Ash grabbed the slip and told me " Professor Kukui invited me to another battle royal but i didn't tell him that we were moving so he left me soo many texts." I was shocked but then something came over me I locked the door and pinned him to the wall. Before Ash could even respond I kissed him hard on the lips. After a bit i said " Love you can go don't ignore him like that you should go...wait never mind you ARE going." And I picked him up " If you don't i might have to do this the hard way~" Ash was blushing like crazy " FINE! I'll go but you're coming with me!" I smiled and kissed him sweetly

"I love you so much Ash"

"I love you too Goh"

Little did they know someone is plotting

???: you took ash away from me and now you're going to pay heh

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