Sleepover with the alola gang

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This part will have angst and kissing please enjoy!!!

Today Ash and Goh decided to invite the gang over for a sleep over so they went to go ask the Professors if they could invite them over.

"Alola Professors!" Professor Kukui and Professor Burnet looks over at Ash and Goh

"Morning boys" Ash smiles 

"Professors can we have a sleep over with the gang please" Both Professors smiled 

"Sure thing Ash" Ash and Goh started jumping with joy

"Thank you professors!!"

Ash and Goh go to the Pokemon school to tell the gang about the sleep over

Everyone says that they can go but Mallow says something that made everyone nervous

"How are we going to protect ourselves from Kiawe? he got out of jail again" Ash was thinking but couldn't think of anything then Goh stepped in

"I have an idea but it involves the professors too so I will explain the plan when we get there"

Later they got to the professors house and Goh explained the plan

"Okay here is the deal Kiawe has fire type Pokemon and he can put up a fight by kicking punching and he can bring dangerous weapons with him so my plan is" Everyone stops to listen

"We have all our water type guard outside if some of them get tired then they can switch positions kinda like a 24 hour store and one of us can do the same thing and if it fails we just call the cops"

"Everyone got it?" Everybody nods

"Great well let's get this sleep over started!"

The sleep over was going so well but everyone got tired so they decided to call it a day.

Everyone picked a spot in the house to sleep in after that everyone fell asleep but Ash and Goh were still awake cuddling.

Goh wanted to ask Ash why he wanted to mark him

"Hey Ash why did you say you wanted to mark me?" Ash smiled and kissed Goh on the cheek

"Because I want to be with you"

"That is why I marked you so you know how much I love you" Goh smiles and blushes

"well Ash can I mark you?" Ash wided his eyes and blushes

"WHAT" Goh stared at him

"Did I stutter I said Can I mark you?" Ash was red from the blush

"I want to make you mine as well" Ash calmed down and smiled

"Go gentle"

Goh Pinned Ash to their bed and started kissed Ash's neck ( Goh be like:REVENGE IS SWEET)

Ash moaned a little so that no one could hear

Goh was kissing Ash's neck for a while and then he got an idea

"Ash can I kiss you" 


Goh smiled and kisses Ash passionatly on the lips and started rubbing Ash's stomach

Ash moans and puts his hands over his mouth to stop the moaning

30 minutes go by and they hear a crash coming from the kitchen

"What the Fuck was that"

"I don't know Ash let's go"

Ash and Goh get to the kitchen and sees Kiawe they turn to see all of the Pokemon that was guarding the door fainted

"Well Well Well look who finally decided to show up" Kiawe was smiling 

Ash could not take this any more

"Why are you doing this Kiawe this isn't supported the LGBTQ community before I was bi and now you hate it tell me why ( aint nothing but a heartach) why did you do this" Goh was shocked at Ash's outburst but Kiawe then broke out in tears

"Ash i-i'm so sorry i was forced to hate the community by my dad"

Ash and Goh were shocked and also surprised nobody was awake

"What do you mean you were forced" Kiawe took a deep breath

"my dad always hated the community even when I came out as bi and he would always tell me that dating the same gender is wrong and doesn't make sense so I kept my mouth shut but then he found out that I was bi and forced me to beat people up if they were apart of the community and he had a camera on me at all time but then i broke the camera and stopped hurting people so I'm just saying sorry" Ash and Goh were shocked Goh stepped in

"It was right of you to step up to your father now all you have to do is say sorry to the people you hurt and call the cops on your dad" Kiawe nodded and he headed home

Ash and Goh went back to their room and cuddled



"Can I take you on a date tomorrow?" Ash smiles


"Great" Goh kisses Ash on the lips softly

"I love you Ash"

"I love you more Goh"

They cuddled until they fell asleep.....

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