Tale of the Seven Lords[All x reader]

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Somehow, it ended up with only you and Mammon going to the House of Lamentation. The others said they had things to do, spa to go to and food to eat.

Mammon turned to you as you walked out, "Listen up human ya best avoid any other demon ya see who looks like their gonna eat ya alright? 'Cus I'm not gonna be responsible for anythin that happens to ya. Unless of course you're ready to give me all you're cash, then I might consider helpin."

You looked at him with tired eyes, unsure of what to reply.

"Hello?" He looked at you weirdly before muttering to himself, "What's wrong with this one..."

Your mind was somewhere else though. Mammon was a relatively tall demon, though not nearly as tall as the Diavolo and Lucifer,... And Beelzebub.

At least this makes Mammon less intimidating.
You thought to yourself.

"Alright, we're here." Mammon said as you entered the house or mansion rather. The place was huge and looked really grand. There was an entrance hall that had two stairs from left and right that led upstairs and a red carpet lined the hall's floor.

"Ugh it's such a drag to take care of someone..." He whined.

As you continued to looked around the place in awe.

"Yeah, I know this place looks great and all but don't just stand there with ya mouth hangin lookin all goofy." He said to you and you stepped into the house annoyed with his comment.

First order of business...
I have to get cash and grab some of the necessities.

Afterall, you were teleported here with absolutely nothing but the set of clothes you were wearing.

This is a terrible thing for an exchange student.

And if they wanted realm peace this was not the way to go. Not that you could do anything about it other than adapt and strive to survive.

Just then, a poster on the notice board grabbed your attention.

Mammon started speaking, "So this place is where the seven of us live, you met the other 4 just now..."

The poster said 'Hiring new workers at Hell's kitchen'

"We're like big shots..."

Where and what is Hell's kitchen?
You thought.

"Diavolo's like the big shots of big shots though, that's why he has his own castle..."

Woah they pay by day? That's great!

"But we're still pretty big shots-"


You were both cut off from what you were doing, turning your heads to the direction of the voice. It came from up the stairs.

"Woah haha Levi what business do ya have with me?"
Mammon asked the demon on top of the stairs.

The demon rushed down the stairs,
"Oh I'll tell you what business I have with you, you scummy, moronic, idiotic, lowest-of-the lows, bottom-dwelling money grabber!"

"Oi stop callin me scummy!"
You looked at Mammon in confusion,
That's the part he had a problem with?

"How about you pay me back the money I lent you first!? No actually pay me back that and triple it for all the other time I lent you and you DIDN'T PAY BACK!"

"Right, uh human, I mean wait what's ya name again? This demon is Leviathan, his name is kinda hard to say so you can call him Levi for short. Anyways i just remembered that i gotta do something so I'll leave ya to him!"
At that, Mammon dashed away and disappeared up stairs.

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