It's a dating sim [All x reader]

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Or maybe Lucifer didn't know the big plan behind this after all.
You decided to leave out the truth to some parts. He is smart enough to find out, eventually.

"I see... So essentially, we're inside the world of a game that Levi bought on Akuzon...
And we can't go back to the real world unless we win?"
The first born frowned as you recounted half of what had happened.

"And in order to win, you have to confess your love to the heroine up on the Roof of Legend, and she has to accept you? Do i have that right?"
Satan confirmed, a face reflecting that of his older brother's.

Having walked around the school yard of the game twice, you were surprised to see that the two demons, who had been dragged into the game against their will, have yet to express their dissatisfaction at the current situation.

"Yep, and i went ahead and made Y/n the heroine."
The third born emphasised again,
"So raise your intimacy score with Y/n, you must! And achieve the happy ending, yes...!"
Leviathan beamed.

For someone who expressed such deep hatred for normies, he sure was pumped about this.

"NO! No no no!"
Mammon exclaimed, scratching his head in frustration.
"Why'd ya make MC the heroine?!"

You nodded, arms akimbo as you frowned at the third born.

"What do you mean? Because it seemed like it'd be fun?"
He shrugged.

It surely didn't seem that way for the first and fourth born. Dissatisfaction? There it was, as the two demons stared at the three of you, unimpressed.

Mammon sighed with a shake of his head,
"Yeah, i know what you two are thinkin' and you're right. I apologise for Levi over here. I mean, this is ridiculous and crazy. No way you two want any part of this stupid plan, right?"

Levi scoffed in disbelief at his brother's words,

"So you just leave things to Mammon! I'll take care of everything!"
The second born shoved Levi away and scooted over to where you were,
"I'll raise my favorability score with MC lickety-split, profess my love, and win this game before you even know what hit you!
So you guys, just do whatever, hang out or something..."

Satan let out a laugh,
"You know what this means, right Lucifer? It's a competition, to see which one of us gets a happy ending, you or me."
He pointed to Lucifer and himself as he spoke, eyes glimmering with underlaying malice.

The first born let out a smug scoff of his own, folding his arms,
"That goes without saying. And i highly doubt i'd actually lose to the likes of you, Satan."

There goes Mammon's genius idea. The two cooperating in a dating simulator? Laughable.

You thought,
They do realise you were the heroine and that they both tried to kill you before, right?
What makes them think they will gain the most favorability score from me?!

No. A good game should start at ground zero. No bias-ness. Just fair and square.
You reminded yourself and somehow convinced your vengeance to leave itself for the real world outside the game.
Who knows, if you do something wrong, and all end up stuck in this darn game?

"Pfff! Looolll you guys are hilarious! Aren't you forgetting about someone? You really think you can beat ME?? ROTFLMAO"
Leviathan laughed, leaving Mammon genuinely confused.

"HEY! Why do you all wanna win so badly all of a sudden, huh?!"

Only to be silenced by a stern statement by the two competitive demons
"Because I WON'T lose to the likes of HIM."

"And i guess i just want to win the game? And i have 100% perfect run? It's MY game after all. I'm not about to let someone ELSE experience the very best part of it in my place. That's like crazyy. lolol"
The third born replied simply.

"Grr...Dammit! Well, don't forget about ME!"
Mammon huffed in annoyance at the competitiveness of his brothers, before turning to you,
"Listen up, MC! I'm gonna tell you i love you, and you're gonna choose ME! Okay? It's totally gonna happen!"
Before turning away and storming off with reddened ears.

You felt like this was one of those character introduction moments.
The game was starting at last.

Satan let out a low chuckle as he too, approached you,
"Y/n. I'm not going to make you fall for me. No... you're going to fall for me naturally, as a matter of course."
He spun around and walked away, calmly.

"No way, Y/n is MY princess."
The third born said, before giving you a wink you thought only Asmodeus would be able to pull off. Needless to say, it shocked you.

Did Levi get charm boost??
The usual introverted shut-in seemed extremely different in game.
I guess one shouldn't take 100% perfect run lightly.

"We all know Y/n is going to choose me. Isn't that right?"
Lucifer walked to you.
Nope everyone got the charm boost.
Removing the fact that he almost ended your life, you hated to admit that Lucifer was actually, a naturally attractive demon. Overflowing rightful confidence that you knew he had about his appearance, only made things worse.
"Prepare yourself, Y/n."
He said in a soft and low voice, a small smirk appearing on his face before he turned and left as well.

The character backgrounds were:

The frenemy who puts on a toughfront and is also your childhood best friend but is lovestruck and has trouble verbalising it out nicely.

The calm and confident model student who had seen you defend a small animal and thus developed an interest for you ever since.

The smittened introvert who is also really popular at the same time, and after helping him that one time, he fell in love.

The overconfident student council president who has had a crush on you ever since the first day but would rather die than admit how he truly feels because he holds too much pride.

You stared at the on-screen descriptions and sighed.
Typical dating sim options.

You took one last deep breath before you entered the school building,

Officially starting the game.

[A/N]To avoid confusion for next chapter:Words in () are the reader's thoughts

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To avoid confusion for next chapter:
Words in () are the reader's thoughts

Italics are for the in game narrator!

Otherwise, everything else is the same.
Happy reading!

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