The first [All x reader]

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After exploring your room, you were able to find a towel and what appeared to be various bath soaps. Delighted at your findings, you went to take a quick shower...

It took longer than expected to find the bathroom as it was located on the second floor. But what really puzzles you the most was how come there isn't a toilet in your room?

Great another inconvenience, I have to walk all the way to the second floor like a brave soul at night just to use the toilet.

You finished showering and fortunately you found another set of clothes in your room earlier, so you wore it. The shirt was quite large for you. The sleeves went slightly beyond your elbows and the shorts were just a bit too lose.

You panicked and was forced to walk all the way back to your room while holding on to the pants. As unsightly as it sounds, you prayed really hard that you don't stumble upon any of the demons.

After, thankfully, safely retreating back to your room, you locked the door and placed your dirty clothes in a corner. Looking around to find something, anything that could be used to secure your dropping pants.

This is horrible.

Just then, you remembered you kept a hair tie on your wrist, so you used that to tie and secure the pants.

By the time the crisis averted, you heard a knock on your door.

"Y/n, dinner will be ready in a 10 minutes."
It was Lucifer's voice. It seems he immediately left after saying what he needed as you heard his footsteps, becoming softer and softer.

You heaved a sigh of relief,
Ok, it's just dinner, eat and go.

With that, you headed out of the door and to the dining room


Dinner was awkward for you needless to say. The brothers were arguing amongst themselves while Lucifer tried to get them to behave.

You sat in silence, staring at what was on your plate. It took a while to muster the courage to eat what looked like a lizard but after the first bite you were pleasantly surprised at the taste.

"Oi Beel, Quit takin my food! I can see ya stealin them off my plate ya know?"
Mammon exclaimed.

"Oohps." Was all the orange haired demon said as he continued to stuff his face.

"Ugh Mammon, you kicked me!"
Asmodeus huffed in annoyance while glaring at the white haired demon.

"Not my fault my legs are long and yours happened to be in front of 'em."

"You absolute moron-"

Lucifer growled,
"Can't all of you behave yourselves for once?"

There was immediate silence but it was interrupted by Satan,

"Don't lump me together with these idiots Lucifer."

With that the demons started again, defending themselves from being called an idiot.

Lucifer's brow knitted into a frown as he placed his fingers on his temple.

What a peaceful dinner.


The next morning came faster than expected and you were disappointed to find out that it was, in fact, not a dream because you found yourself back in the same dining hall with the demons for breakfast.

"Quickly have breakfast and leave in 10 minutes."
Lucifer announced as he himself got up the seat and out the dining hall.

That's when Leviathan walked in the hall yawning,

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