The witch in the portrait [All x reader]

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You reached a room filled with marvelous paintings and portraits.

"There's nothin but paintings in here."
Mammon looked around.

Satan nodded,
"Yeah, there are plenty in the House of Lamentation too but not as much as here."

"I haven't stopped to look at these in quite some time myself."
Diavolo added, looking at a beautiful painting of scenery.

"Wow there's even a picture of the Celestial Realm here!"
Luke pointed at the large painting way up the wall.

"Ah yes. I believe this was painted around the time i first met Lucifer."

"Hey, let's not bring that up-"
Lucifer tried stopping his cheery friend but was promptly cut off by him.

"Oh, what's the harm in it? The first time i saw you, i was stunned. I had never seen such a magnificent angel before. Hahaha, you even refused to shake my hand at first!"

Lucifer shook his head in embarrassment.

His younger brothers and the little angel were not listening though, they were talking amongst themselves.

"All this walking made me hungry..."

"Beel quit gnawin on me arm!"

"The tour just started and i am bored out my mind. ROTFL."

"Um, Don't you think it's bad to post that kind of thing online?"

Until there was an ear piercing scream of a woman that echoed through the portrait room, immediately shutting everyone up.


"What was that?!"
The young angel asked gripping on to Simeon.

"It sounded like a woman screaming?"
He replied, putting a hand protectively over Luke's shoulder.

Satan looked around for the source of sound, Leviathan simply typed something on his D.D.D.

Beel thought he was hearing things due to hunger,
"Umm, if you are hearing things, then we are all hearing things!"
Luke replied.

But Asmodeus was calm and he too started looking around to find out where the sound came from,
"Wait a minute, i think i heard this scream before..."

A portrait of a woman shrieked,

Solomon looked taken aback by the sight,
"Is...that portrait talking?"

Little D.2 exclaimed appearing unfazed.

Lucifer folded his arms. The rest of you stood around the peculiar portrait.

"That is a portrait of Helene, she was a witch."
The first born explained.

"Helene...? Oh! Yes, i remember now!"
Asmodeus said snapping his finger.

Mammon looked at his younger brother, confused,
"Uh, so what's happenin now?"

Little D.2 raised a teeny tiny claw,
"Ooohh! I can answer that!"
Before clearing his throat to tell his story:

"Helene, was once known far and wide as a witch of unparalleled beauty.
Countless of humans, angels, and demons alike fell under her spell.
But then, one fateful day, Asmodeus here came along and seduced her, leading her to betray her lover at that time."

Simeon gave a little sigh,
"I had a feeling it was heading this way..."

"War erupted due to her betrayal, a great war that destroyed an entire country. And Helene was derided as a horrible, wicked woman. One who sold her soul to a demon!

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