A jewel or mineral? [All x reader]

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You all had one key to the rooms you were assigned to.
And for your room, all of you have decided that Simeon would hold the key.

You had bathed and got dressed the fastest. Fortunately there were three individual bathrooms.
What can you say, the castle was just that good.

You unpacked your very small number of things and suddenly gasped softly,

Wait, there's a ball and dancing but i don't have a dress or any formal outfits!

You placed your hand on your forehead.
All you had so far were t-shirts and jeans other than the uniform you left at home.
It was the bare minimum since you couldn't afford any other outfits you had seen when you shopped around Devildom with the broke demon.

"Alright since we have gotten ourselves settled in, belongings in order and decided who uses which bed, Asmodeus, Y/n, let me take this opportunity to say i look forward to sharing a space with the two of you for the next few days."
Simeon smiled warmly at the two of you while drying his brown locks.

Asmodeus nodded, putting on his face cream
"Yes, me too. And i have to say, Y/n, Simeon, you two have certainly lucked out, now haven't you? Considering you get to room with me."

You looked at his mountain of belongings that threatened to spill onto your side.
You weren't so sure if you shared the same thoughts as him, quickly realising this wasn't the first time you disliked his narcissistic behaviour.

Simeon chuckled,
"Ah, yes. I suppose you could say we are lucky to have you on the team."

"Hehe, now there's no need to hide how thrilled you really are. Think about it for a second, you get to room with me, Asmodeus himself, which means you will see me when i first awake, when i stepped out the shower, when i get sleepy and start to doze off, when i am changing clothes... for three days and two nights! You actually get to see these sides of me. If it isn't amazing luck, i don't know what it is!"
Asmodeus gushed over the thought in excitement.

You found some things he said really quite preposterous, and you were certainly not keen on finding out certain sides of him.

You face scrunched in distaste, unable to hide the thoughts.

You were sure Simeon was having the same thoughts, he was definitely better at hiding it since he laughed Asmodeus' comment off ,
"Ahahahaha. I have to say, you really are funny, aren't you Asmodeus."

"I think you meant beautiful but it's alright, you can just say it you know? What sort of image did you have of me in the first place, Simeon?"
The demon asked with glowing eyes. He lined all his toiletries on his table, including a whole hair styling kit and several face masks.

Simeon was putting his own bath soap and shampoo away,
"Hmm, let me think. Well, i suppose i still think of you the way i had when you were in the Celestial Realm. 'Lucifer, the pride of the Celestial Realm, loved by all creation... There was one angel he thought especially beautiful, one whom he praised and kept at his side. T'was Asmodeus, Jewel of the heavens.'"

He quoted it and read it like he was a poet.

Asmo giggled,
"Yes...yes, exactly! That's me!"

And he seemed like he had all the right to behave as he did. He was really attractive afterall.

Simeon then added,
"A traveling minstrel wrote that about you once and the image stuck in my mind. I suppose i see you as someone who's very attached to that reputation, and works day in and day out trying to live up to it."

Asmodeus' laughter ceased then a perplexed look formed on his face,
"Huh? So you are saying that your image of me is someone who wants to be loved?"

"That would be accurate,"
Simeon nodded.

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