You gathered down at the breakfast table, all cheery despite not getting a wink of sleep yesterday night.
You had to thank the sorceror well for giving you the opportunity at magic.
Lucifer somehow knew the lot of you had broken in to his room and demanded an explanation from Mammon as always.
The younger demon told his older brother everything in detail.
"...All right. I understand how you got yourself into this mess. It's all too clear."
Lucifer rubbed his temple,
"And what's also clear is that: no matter where you go, you always manage to stir up trouble."
He narrowed his eyes at you.Usually you'd have a blank expression but today a small smile had already permanently plastered itself on your face.
"Currently getting reamed out by Lucifer."
The third born typed into his D.D.DBeel hung his head low,
"I couldn't resist the allure of that cheesecake...""Just so we're clear. I TRIED to stop 'em! But they were all like, 'this'll blow up!' And,
'I gotta have my cheesecake.' And also MC was the one who came up with the idea in the first place-"
Mammon couldn't even finish his sentence when the first born growled,
"MAAAAMMOOON?""Seriously, you guys failed the first time, and yet you had to try again. You guys never learn..."
Satan shook his head in disappointment."Well, how were we suppose to know that Cerberus was in there?"
The sixth born argued."R-right, yeah! I thought that was suppose to be Lucifer's and Diavolo's room!"
Mammon agreed."I had put a curse on the door. If you open it without knocking. It transports you straight to Cerberus's room."
Lucifer shook his head.Luke cut in to ask for the reason.
"To prevent a certain someone from breaking in and stealing any of the castle's decorative pieces to sell for profit."
Lucifer glared at the second born.All eyes were on the greedy demon.
"Drop dead, Mammon. Like, right now."
"Hey! How's it my fault?"
The white haired demon pouted.Lucifer let out a scoff,
"...Also it would seem a certain someone very kindly lent his powers to Y/n. Isn't that right Solomon.""Hm? You mean there's actually someone out there in the Devildom who's that kind? Well it's the first time i've heard of this."
Solomon replied, giving you a quick glance paired with a cheeky smile,
"Isn't that right, Asmo?"The demon had been staring at you like he was absolutely charmed with you ever since yesterday night.
You looked away awkwardly.
"...i've made up my mind, i'll make a pact with Y/n."
You widened your eyes in shock as he walked up to you.
Mammon exclaimed.The eldest brother narrowed his eyes at the sight.
Satan was just as stunned as Mammon,
"But what about the task you gave? Didn't it end in complete failure again?"Asmo nodded but continued looking at you like he was enamoured,
"Yep, but i mean, even if Solomon did lend his powers, it shouldn't be possible for someone to draw that kind of power out of me, you know?"You weren't used to the fifth born's intense stare, usually he'd just gave a quick wink when he caught you staring, but he'd also looked away just as quickly.

Obey Me?
FanfictionA fairly rational reader who was mysteriously teleported to someplace called Devildom and now you have to survive amongst chaotic demons and angels and a shady sorceror. Will you make it out alive? Or maybe it's not that bad afterall... A regular h...