Chapter 69: Return (Chapter 1)

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The day finally arrived; you were released from the Kensaki Hospital. You still were in a bit of pain from the fight, so you were prescribed some painkillers. Luckily, there weren't any long term effects that you needed to worry about. The only instructions that were given to you were to severely limit using your quirk. The doctors estimated that you would fully recover in two months. Mr. Aizawa was the one who picked you up. He led you back to his car and you got in on the passenger side. The drive back to U.A was long, so you took the time to be updated by Mr. Aizawa.

You: I'm kind of surprised that you were the one to pick me up.

Mr. Aizawa: So was I. Phoebe called me and asked if I could make the time to do it. So, All-Might agreed to teach today, so I could.

You: Well that's good, I guess. I have been getting worried about Phoebe though. I haven't seen or heard from her recently. Is she okay?

Mr. Aizawa: She's fine. She just has been very busy trying to track down Yato. Ever since she found out you fought him and apparently won. The authorities are keen on getting him into custody before he recovers.

You: That does make sense. What about Himiko? Any new information about what happened to her.

Mr. Aizawa: Sadly, no. Her last known location was in Okasu, but that was only a few hours after Phoebe recovered you from your fight. Her trail has run cold, but everything is being done to try and find her.

You sat back in your seat and looked out the window. You were hoping that Himiko would have been found by now, but she disappeared from your life again. You were not upset at the fact that she was gone. It was the fact that she left you not knowing how to feel. One side of you was afraid of what she would do next, but another said that she doesn't have the power to hurt you anymore. A part of you felt guilty for turning your older sister into this homicidal villain, but another part felt like she did this to herself and her reasoning is extremely petty. Worst of all, you didn't know if you wanted her to be killed or for her to live on the off chance that you could get your real sister back. Mr. Aizawa noticed your change in behavior, so he changed the subject.

Mr. Aizawa: Are you excited to return to U.A.?

You: Huh? Oh, yeah. The only thing is how am I going to do what you have planned in class? I have to limit the use of my quirk.

Mr. Aizawa: Well, my next few lessons are focused on team building rather than quirk training. You will have to use your quirk, but I will prevent you from participating if I see you overworking yourself. So, if you want to be on the same playing field as your classmates, you have to prove to me you know when you reached your limits. Do you understand?

You: I understand sir. Speaking of my friends, what have they been up to since I was gone?

Mr. Aizawa: A few days ago, we brought in some third-year students known as "The Big Three" to teach them and give them a perspective of how far they have to go in becoming Pro-Heroes. On top of that they taught them about work study programs.

You: Work study programs?

Mr. Aizawa: They're almost like the internships each of you took before the summer, but it's more real-world training. It's as close as you can get to the feeling of being a pro-hero. Usually, they aren't offered to first year students, but your class is different. Like you, some of your classmates were given Temporary Hero Licenses, so some of them won't be in class for a week.

You: Do you know who won't be here?

Mr. Aizawa: Midoriya, Kirishima, Uraraka, and Asui.

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