Optional Chapter: Jiro #4

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**(R/N)'s POV**

The U.A school festival is a few weeks away. You see every year U.A. hold this festival where each class has to come up with some kind of event to host. It's meant to show how unified we are as a class and bring high spirits to all the other classes/spectators. The class decided that we should do a concert, much to our surprise, Todoroki was the one who suggested the idea. The main band was formed which consisted of Bakugo on the drums, Yaoyorozu on piano, Tokoyami and Kaminari were on guitars, and finally Jiro was going to be the lead singer and bass player. I knew she was good at playing many instruments, including the bass, but it was a surprise for all of us to hear how good she sung. She was definitely the right choice, though I could sense a lot of nervous energy from her. She was probably just nervous about having to perform in front of a crowd. As of right now, I'm locked away in my dorm room. To be honest I was trying to distract myself from the decision of what I was going to be doing in the concert.  It didn't work, so I went through all my options again. The thing is that I'm not sure if I want to be a part of this. Due to everything that has happened, I'll probably bring the spirits down.

You: I could be on the dancing team. Ugh, but I'm not really a dancer. I would be a waste of time to be taught how to dance. Maybe I could be a part of the staging team, but there are already enough people running it. My quirk may have a lot of uses, but what we have planned so far, I would just be lost in the other quirks that could be shown off. Does anybody even want me to be a part of this? Should it be best that I let them focus on this without me?

I was tired of not being able to get anywhere with my decision. So, I went over to my desk and grabbed my phone. One of the things that could make me feel better when I'm stressed is music. Since my MP3 player that Jiro had given to me was still missing, I picked a song off of Youtube that was on my MP3. I sat down in the chair at my desk and listened. Once that song was done, I chose another. I was not aware that I was singing out loud with the music. I was so distracted that I didn't even sense that there was someone spying on me.

**Bakugo's POV**

I was walking down to Brain Boy's room. Ever since he came back and we learned that he mastered his psychic quirk; I wanted to have the chance to fight him. He thinks his quirk is so powerful, well until he beats me, I have the most powerful quirk out of all these damn nerds. I tried several times these past few weeks to get him to agree to fight me, but he has ignored me every single time. I finally made it to his door and just was about to pound on it. That was until I heard some music playing and somebody singing.

Bakugo: What the hell?

I put my ear against the door to hear better what was going on. I was hearing the original song and somebody singing along. It was hard to believe that this voice belonged to Brain Boy. It's not that it sounded terrible, in fact it sounded above average. Honestly, I didn't care that he had a good singing voice, it was more so that I got more information to tell the pink one. Apparently, she wants to be the matchmaker between Brain Boy and Purple Hair. She promised to pay me every time I got information on him. So, for now, I would wait to challenge him some other day. I went downstairs to the common area and saw a few of my classmates.

Bakugo: Hey, is Pinky down here?!

Mina: Right here, Bakugo. What is it?

Bakugo: I have more information about that stupid thing you're researching.

Mina: Great! Come on, we can talk about it outside.

The both of us went out the front entrance of the dorm and walked a little bit away from the building just in case somebody would hear us. Which I thought was pointless, because other than Purple Hair, who would care about what we were doing.

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