Chapter 72: Over-Worked (Chapter 4)

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Phoebe had been searching non-stop for Yato for almost two weeks. No luck has come about of it and no leads have come to her attention. The only noteworthy detail was that a serum had been stolen from the nomu factory at Kamino. She was told what this serum does and that it was stolen by a detective that was proclaimed dead the same day of your fight with Yato and the League of Villains. There was every reason to suspect that Himiko was the one who had stolen it, but it hasn't been confirmed. Since, the search wasn't getting anywhere she decided that it was about time to continue her little chat with Jing Intelli. Since he confessed to at least having worked with Yato. He was kept in custody at the same police station she interrogated him the first time. He was the only lead she had on what Yato was planning on doing next. Phoebe made it there and walked into the interrogation room, where Jing was waiting. He was handcuffed to the table and kept his eyes down. Phoebe sat down on the opposite side of the table and motioned to the officers that were guarding him to leave the room. Once they were alone, she got straight to the point.

Phoebe: Look at me, Jing.

He solemnly looked up.

Phoebe: I don't believe you are some wicked person who is willing to help Yato. I'm sure you have your reasons, but I want to be spared from the sob story. Tell me everything you have done with this man.

Jing:...Black Wind. Have you been getting any sleep? You look tired.

She was indeed very tired. She would only take one short nap a day. She wanted to devote as much time both day and night trying to find Yato. Despite that, she got frustrated that he would focus on that, instead of the question she asked.

Phoebe: Whether or not I get a good night sleep is no concern of yours Mr. Intelli. I asked a question and I want an honest answer.

Jing: I'm sorry. I know, it's just that I can understand how you feel. Believe me, I want that man to be caught as much as you do. I haven't been able to sleep these past few nights either. Seeing my family yesterday made last night a bit better. I miss my daughter and my wife so much. I wish I could go home right now and just hug both of them, but that can't happen. I should be locked up with the rest of the criminal for what I have caused.

Phoebe: Tell me.

Jing:...I told you before that I am an engineer for radio and radio frequencies for the Hero Association. Several months prior my division was given a pay cut. It was a substantial amount of money. When I told my wife and several arguments broke out about how we were going to pay the bills for this month. We mainly rely on my salary to pay the bills and keep my daughter in her private high school. With each passing day, my worries grew and I started to spend more time at work to earn as much as I could. One day, I was home alone and someone knocked on my door. When I opened it, there was this very tall man wearing a baseball cap. I immediately recognized him as Yato Nashu. Obviously, I tried calling the police, but my phone flew out of my hand. He told me that he wasn't there to kill me. He knew everything about me including what I was going through. He offered me the chance to earn more money if I could build some devices for him. I couldn't refuse, because I did need the money and I didn't want my family to be hurt because he knew everything about them as well. He then showed me these blueprints of what you call a psychic disruptor. The weird thing was that what they do now, was not the original intention. The device is supposed to help better control quirk users who have quirks that have to deal with neurological functions of the brain, case in point, psychics. Think of it as training wheels. It emits radio waves to slow down the electrical signals sent. It would still allow the person to use the quirk, but it would help prevent any unwanted use of the quirk to keep the user and people around them safe. The only design flaw was that each device has to be as individual as the person.

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