Chapter 75: The Final Battle (Chapter 7)

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A bright yellow aura surrounded the blade of Himiko's knife.  She tried forcing her knife down onto you which was only a few inches away from your chest, but it wouldn't move. You slowly got back up on your feet. As she continued to struggle to escape the power that was keeping her there.  Suddenly, Himiko was sent flying away from you. She tumbled across the ground and when she came to a stop, she looked at you in surprise. You were surprised as well. You looked all over your body and saw that all of your injuries were healing at a rapid pace. This overwhelming energy was flowing all throughout your body. You held both of your hands out in front of you and clenched your fist. They were immediately surrounded by the same bright yellow aura. You smiled, because you recognized the feeling.

You: My's back!

You knew that this was no time to celebrate. Your priority was to still destroy the psychic disruptor Himiko was holding, so Phoebe could get her powers back. Himiko was pissed, she charged at you. Acting fast, you focused on the knife. It flew out of her hand and got stuck pretty deep into the concrete of a nearby building. She continued to run towards you and got close enough to engage in a fist fight. She was striking wildly, so most of her attacks were very easy to dodge. You started focusing your energy to both your arms and legs, so that your strikes would be faster. She was able to keep up with most of your moves, but some hits did land. You were able to hit her cheek very hard causing her to spit up blood. You took that as an advantage to sweep her leg causing her to trip. She rolled back up on her feet and you tried to reach for her pocket which had the disruptor. She was able to grab on your wrist and attempted to punch you, but you grabbed her fist. You two were locked in a grappling match. Meanwhile, Phoebe is still having trouble fighting the serum fueled Yato. The both of them saw that your psychic quirk had reawakened.

Yato: Damn it!

Phoebe took the opportunity to uppercut him. He was dazed which gave Phoebe the chance to hide. When Yato recovered, Phoebe was nowhere to be seen. He smirked.

Yato: You think hiding from me will save you. I know exactly where you are. Just give up now and your death will be quick. A much better fate than having to deal with the full intensity of my disruptors once they get broadcasted.

Phoebe didn't say anything. She knew she had to keep moving to different hiding places until you could destroy the disruptor that is blocking her quirk.

Phoebe: Come on (R/N). I know you got this.

You continued to struggle to reach Himiko's pocket, but she wasn't letting you any closer. She then bites your shoulder. She received a shock from doing so. Which allowed the both of you to break away from each other. You notice that her bite was enough to break the skin, but it quickly healed. You looked back at Himiko and saw that a bit of your blood was on her bottom lip. She used her finger to wipe it off and then she licked it.

Himiko: Your blood tastes SO delicious! I want more!

You: You want it, come and get it!

The two of you got into another fist fight. You noticed that the blades that had broken off from your gauntlets were nearby. While fighting, you focused your energy on the two blades. At the right moment you broke off from the attack and sent the two blades around Himiko. They started cutting at non vital parts of her body. As she was distracted, you noticed other metallic objects that had been broken off from all the buildings around you. You focused on those objects as well and began pelting Himiko with them. Lastly you lifted a damaged car and hurled it at her. There was enough time for you to see Himiko gasp before the car impacted, obscuring her in a cloud of dust. You stood there for a second to see if the fight was over. You heard Himiko from behind the car, groaning in pain. Her hand grabs the top of the car. Then you see her face, there was a small cut on her forehead with blood trickling down towards her left eye. She pulls herself on top of the car and falls off the other side in full view of you. She slowly gets back up on her feet. She looked very weak. Her clothes were torn from all the cuts and in some spot there were blood stains. She was clutching one of the blades from your weapons. Her lips curved into a smile and she started laughing.

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