Chapter 76: Family Matters (Chapter 8)

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The only thing you knew was that many days had passed. Other than that, everyday feels the same. You couldn't move on from what had happened that day, because you were constantly being reminded of it. The news called it "Yato's Calamity". Over 800 civilians were killed and thousands were injured. 80% of the city of Kensaki was damaged in some way and 10% of the city was completely decimated. The only positive is that things could have ended up much worse. Your friends who came to help you by fighting the Nomus only sustain minor injuries. Mr. Aizawa on the other hand had suffered a concussion, a fractured arm, 5 broken ribs, and a broken leg. Meanwhile in another city Midoriya, Uraraka, Mirio Togata, Nejire Hado, and Tamaki Amaiki, and several Pro-Heroes rescued a little girl named Eri from some villain named Overhaul. Sadly, that incident didn't garner that much attention. You couldn't go anywhere without some news station talking about "Yato Calamity" and having you and Phoebe being featured in it. Many news stations were pestering and begging U.A. to have you share your experience about what happened there. Out of respect for you, the faculty denied every single offer. The other day, U.A had a ceremony to not only commemorate Phoebe, but for all the other six pro-heroes who died that day. Your mind was not present through the entire ceremony. The only thing you remember was how emotional Mr. Aizawa got during his eulogy to Phoebe. That made you start to cry and somebody next to you started rubbing your back in order to comfort you. It could have been Kirishima or Tsuyu, you knew they were sitting next to you, but you forgot which side it came from.

The only other positive that came out of this was that Himiko Toga was finally put into prison. There was still something that needed to be settled between you two. You couldn't bring yourself to kill her despite her giving you a very good reason to. So, you waited for the right moment to face Himiko once again. Getting past her would be the first step to recovery...and today was going to be that day.

You were walking down a very well-lit hallway. A prison guard was right alongside. Passing by many fortified doors, some of which were being guarded. This was not Tartarus, because a judge deemed Himiko not a "High-Threat Villain". Despite that, this was still a secure prison. At last, we reached a door which had a plaque on the wall next to it saying interrogation room #4. The guard had a serious look on his face.

Prison Guard: Of course, we find your request with wanting to see her very reasonable considering what has happened, but it still seems rather odd how persistent you were.

You: Ever since I found out that she was still alive, I needed to have a moment where I could talk to her as a person and not a hero. I believe from that point of view you can understand my persistence.

Prison Guard: Alright, but you do understand that this is marked as a family visit. You are still not a fully licensed pro-hero, so you can not interrogate or harm the prisoner in any way. If you do, we will forcibly remove you from the room.

You: I understand, but you have nothing to worry about.

Prison Guard: Okay, just walk in and sit down. Some officers will bring her in shortly.

He unlocks the door and opens it. You walk into a pure white room with a metal table bolted down in the middle of the room with two chairs on opposite ends of the table. At the end of the room there was another door, which is where Himiko and the officers would enter. You sat down at the chair closest to you and waited. On the left side of the room is a giant two-way mirror, so there was no chance that you were going to have any privacy. After a few minutes, the other door opens. Two officers entered and behind them was Himiko, wearing an orange prison jumpsuit. She was cuffed at her hands and ankles with a chain connecting them together around her waist. She was also wearing a muzzle. She was guided to her end of the table and her handcuffs were locked to a loop attached to the table. Her muzzle was taken off and then the officers left the room. The two of you stared at each other. As if you were testing to see who would speak first.

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