Chapter 77: 15 Years Later (Chapter 9/Ending)

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(A/N): I just wanted to thank everyone for reading my fan ending for The Psychic Hero. Just in case you haven't found out yet, especially to those who are fans of the original Psychic Hero Story, EyesoftheREACH has finally returned to Wattpad. He had gotten back in contact with me last month to inform me what had happened. I won't reveal the details as to keep his privacy. Long story short, he still plans on continuing The Psychic Hero, in fact he is doing a major overhaul and remastering of all the chapters. I highly recommend that you go check back with his profile and specifically The Psychic Hero Remastered/Redux Story to get the full details on what he has planned. I will have a link to it in the comments since links don't work that well in the actual chapters. I just wanted to have this author's note to remind everyone with what I said at the beginning of posting these chapters. I personally don't consider this fan-ending the canon ending of The Psychic Hero. Especially now that eyesoftheREACH is back and remastering the original story, I don't know exactly how much he will change to these chapters that I originally sent to him. I still wanted to post this final chapter, because of how long and hard I worked on it and just like everyone else I am eager to see what eyesoftheREACH has planned for The Psychic Hero with the reduxed/remastered chapters. With that being said this is the final chapter to the fan ending of the psychic hero.

It was early morning in the city of Mustafu, Japan. There were a few clouds in the sky, but it was beginning to look like a rather sunny day today. Since it was springtime, the temperature was quite pleasant, trees started gaining back their leaves, and flowers were blooming. Many citizens were carrying out their daily routines either going to work or running errands. One such place that was busy during this time was the post office. Clerks were checking customers' parcels and letters. Others were in the back sorting the mail getting them ready to be sent out for the day. There was a long line of people waiting for their turn. Some were getting rather impatient, especially the children whose parents forced them to go along with them. Suddenly, the door to the post office swung open as four guys barged in. Three of the guys did not have quirks that made them look physically different, but one guy had a quirk which made each of his fingers look like gun barrels. He fired several times towards the ceiling to get everybody's attention.

???: Everyone get down on the ground! Now!

Everyone did what they were told, except for the clerks who just raised their hands up to show they were unarmed. One of them was subtly able to press a button below the counter to alert the police. All the customers started to freak out, especially the children. The four guys moved to the side allowing a fifth man to walk through to the post office. He was rather tall, but that wasn't the most prominent thing about him. He had almost a line running down the middle of his body. On his left side, he had a formal back and white tuxedo, Black formal shoe, and hair slicked back. On his right side, He was wearing a brown leather jacket with a very dirty white t-shirt, Cut-up blue jeans, beaten up sneaker, and his hair was all spiked up. One of the female clerks recognized him.

Female Clerk: Oh my god! You...You're the, the division villain, Half Dollar!

Half Dollar: Well, it's certainly nice to see that my name has gained some recognition in this town. Too bad you all might not live to spread my handiwork to others. Alright men! Start collecting everything you can, money, letters, packages, just as long as it's something we can make a buck off of.

The five men started going around the post office. The second hench-man showed that his quirk was that he was able to pull on his own skin and make it into a pocket. The third hench-man's quirk was able to change the weight of objects as evidence when he pointed at one of the cash registers, lowered his finger, and then picked it up like it was nothing. The fourth hench-man's quirk was that he was able to look through objects because he was communicating with the others telling them what was worth stealing.

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