Optional Chapter: Hagakure #4

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**(R/N)'s POV**

It really surprised me that despite living on the third floor, I can still hear everything that is going on down in the common area. You see every year U.A. hold this festival where each class has to come up with some kind of event to host. It's meant to show how unified we are as a class and bring high spirits to all the other classes/spectators. Our class decided that we are going to do a concert for our event during the school festival. Mina is currently teaching the dance team for the concert since out of every she is the best dancer. Obviously in order to dance, you need to have music. Very...Loud...Music. The thing is that I'm not sure if I want to be a part of this. Due to everything that has happened, I'll probably bring the spirits down. For a moment the music stops and I hear Mina tell everyone to take a ten-minute break. I take that time to think as I lay across my bed.

You: They are probably having a lot of fun down there. Oh, come on, listen to yourself (R/N). What makes you think you deserve to be a part of that fun. There is a reason why you're keeping yourself cooped up in your own room. Ignoring everybody these past few days is not helping you either. Nobody is going to want you to be a part of this. They are doing perfectly fine without you and they are bound to do great. I'll just be a waste of time. I can't play an instrument and I don't have vocal talent like Jiro. My quirk may have a lot of uses, but they already have enough people to be a part of the staging team. Most importantly, I'm not a good dancer.

I release a deep sigh. It was for the better that I didn't become a part of this concert. At the same time I felt like I was letting my friends down. Suddenly, I heard a knock at my door. Recently, I haven't been answering it for anybody, because it was mostly my friends/classmates checking to see if I was okay. I just wanted to be left alone. The person knocked again. I used my sixth sense and found out that it was Toru. I knew she was on the dance team, so it surprised me that she would waste her ten-minute break to check on me. She was one of the people who has tried a few times to check up on me. Which I can understand, because of how close we have become. I usually wouldn't answer for her either, but this time was different. I went over to the door and opened it. To anyone else they would just see some floating articles of clothing, but to me, Toru was a very beautiful, sweet, and bubbly girl that only I knew about her real appearance. She was biting her bottom lip and crossing her fingers. I guess she was hoping that I would answer this time. When I did, a bright smile washed over her face.

Hagakure: (R/N)!

You: Hey Toru. What's up?

Hagakure: I know this may seem very sudden and I understand that you want to be left alone. But, I was wondering if you wanted to have some fun with me for a little bit.

You: Uh, I don't know, Toru. What do you even have in mind?

Hagakure: You could join us downstairs for dance practice.

You: Toru, I appreciate the offer, but I'm not really in the mood.

Hagakure: Please, (R/N)! I haven't seen you in forever. I just want to spend a little time with you. Please, just for a few hours.

I hesitated to answer. It would be really awkward since I haven't hung out with any my classmates for a while. Now, Toru wants me to dance with them. I haven't been to any of the previous practices, I would be the odd man out. I wanted to say no, but she was looking at me with big puppy dog eyes. She is just so adorable sometimes.

(A/N): For reference, this fan art is a close depiction of Toru Hagakure's appearance within the manga/anime of My Hero Academia. This is also what she looks like to (R/N). Though due to how (R/N)'s quirk work in order for Hagakure to appear visible to him by detecting the electrical signals within her body, he can't interpret the color of invisible objects and sees only the basic details. So, he can only see the black and white outlines of her features and most of the details of her face like hair, nose, mouth, eyebrows, and eyes which includes the pupil and iris of them too. He can focus on a certain area to interpret color and extreme details. Though in order to compensate for that, all the other areas will appear invisible.

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