Chapter 73: Calamity (Chapter 5)

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It was beginning to look like a beautiful day in the city of Kensaki. Little did everyone know that it was about to turn into a living hell. Yato was standing on the rooftop of the building he had been hiding in these past few weeks. He had a trench coat on and his iconic baseball cap. He took in the smell of the fresh air. He then looks down to the briefcase he was holding. Then his earpiece communicator crackles in his ear.

Himiko (communicator): Yato, this is Himiko Toga. Do you read me?

He lifts his hand to his ear and activates the communicator.

Yato: Yes, I read you Ms. Toga. Are the Nomus in place?

Himiko (communicator): Yep, just waiting for you to blow the hatch to let them out.

Yato: Excellent. Remember to meet me at the Kensaki radio station and keep your eyes out for Phoebe Nania.

Himiko (communicator): What about my brother?

Yato: If you do see him, do not engage until I tell you to do so.

Himiko (communicator): Ugh! Fine, but he better be here or else you might as well consider me gone.

Yato: Trust me, he will come. Yato out.

He hung up the communicator and lifted the briefcase in front of him and opened it up. It held both Project Omen primed and ready to go, two of his upgraded psychic quirk disruptors, and a detonator. He picked up the detonator and closed the briefcase. He looked out over the city and smiled.

Yato: Enjoy this peace while it lasts, because it is about to end in 3...2...1.

He pressed the button of the detonator and a large explosion erupted in the middle of the city.

~~Meanwhile within Kensaki~~

Mr. Aizawa was driving to be a part of an operation that his work study students were about to partake in. He had to drive through Kensaki to get to it. Apparently Midoriya and Togata had discovered that a little girl was being exploited for her quirk by members of the Yakuza. Not wanting his students to get into trouble, it was best that he joined them. Several agencies joined together for a raid of the headquarters and rescue of this little girl. As he was driving, he heard an explosion. It was close enough that it was able to shake his car. He stopped and got out to see what had happened. People on the street began to panic and started to run away. Then a Nomu came around the corner of the street. It was about to attack some civilians, but Aizawa acted fast and wrapped his scarf around the Nomu's arm. Mr. Aizawa attacked by using a series of melee attacks. He was able to trick it by making itself crash into the side of a building, where the falling debris crushed it and killed it. He examined the body and noticed that the Nomu didn't have a lot of muscle, as a matter of fact it looked very weak. It wasn't built like the ones he has seen before.

Aizawa (thoughts): Well, at least that means the pro-heroes won't have trouble taking them down.

He looked to his right and he saw several more Nomus. He knew that this must have been a part of Yato's plan and he needed to get into contact with Phoebe, but protecting innocents was the priority at the moment.

~~Back with Yato~~

Yato had made it to the Kenaski radio station. He gazed up at the enormous radio tower and proceeded to walk inside. As he opened the door, he was greeted with several police officers and pro-heroes waiting for him in the lobby.

Police Officer: Yato Nashu! You are under arrest! Drop the briefcase and come with us quietly! We will open fire if you do not cooperate!

Yato was not amused that somebody had caught on to his plan, but he wasn't worried. This was just a minor inconvenience. He continued to walk forward. Shots rang out as the officers tried to shoot him, but he focused his quirk on the bullets and sent them back toward the officers. The pros tried to subdue him, but their quirks were no match for his own. He easily killed everyone in that lobby. He made his way to the radio booth. He killed both the radio announcer and the operator. He set the briefcase down and pulled out the two disruptors. He connected them to audio jacks on the giant switchboard and flipped all the necessary switches. In order for the output of both disruptors would be sent through all frequencies and directly through the tower itself. He had set the two to go off within two hours. Since he didn't know if those disruptors would kill him even if he had Project Omen within him. It wasn't worth the risk, so it was probably enough time for him to kill Phoebe. He went outside and used debris from different buildings to block the windows and front door of the station. He then continued to cause destruction to the surrounding area as he waited for Phoebe.

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