Chapter 70: Blocked (Chapter 2)

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The rest of the week went by pretty smoothly. You have been taking it easy and following the doctor's orders. You didn't use your quirk at all and took the painkillers when instructed to do so. The weekend was spent making up for lost time. You were able to catch up on the assignments you missed. You would take a long break in between a good chunk of work to hang out with Tsuyu and Kirishima. Since you won't be able to see again until next week. On Sunday night, you wished them luck once again and said your goodbyes. The following morning, you got ready for class. You brushed your teeth, put your uniform on, brushed your hair, grabbed your backpack, and headed down to the common area. Everybody pretty much gets ready at their own pace, so some of us would wake up earlier than others. You decided to walk to class with Sero and Kaminari, since Kirishima and Tsuyu weren't here. On the way you learned that Sero was able to get a Temporary Hero License, but Kaminari didn't. Kaminari then told you that while he, Bakugo, and Kirishima were fighting this kid from Shiketsu High that is when the exam was stopped. Basically, the test proctors decided that you either had to pass the first part of the exam or you did something during the exam to impress them in order to get a temporary hero license. Only Midoriya, Uraraka, and Sero passed the first half. Bakugo, Kirishima, Todoroki, Yaoyorozu, Tsuyu, and yourself got one, because we demonstrated a great amount of skill during the exam. Eventually the three of you made it to class. While you all waited for Mr. Aizawa, you continue to chat with them and Jiro joined in a bit later. The door opened and Mr. Aizawa walked in.

Mr. Aizawa: Good morning, everyone.

The Entire Class: Good morning Mr. Aizawa.

Mr. Aizawa: Alright, let's get down to business. It's rather unfortunate that the provisional licensing exam was interrupted by villains and only a select few of you were given temporary hero licenses. The Hero Association is still trying to reorganize itself for another exam. That means it will give us more time for you all to continue improving your quirks.

Kaminari: So, are we going to do more individual quirk training today?

Mr. Aizawa: Close, but not exactly. You all have had a taste of what the exam is like and it is all well and good that your quirks have greatly improved. It has been a while since you have trained as a team, so today you will be playing a little game called...

He then pulls out a white board with the words "Capture the Flag" on it.

You: Where does he keep all of these signs?

Sato: Aw yeah! this is going to be awesome!

Sero: It's about time we did something like this again!

Hagakure: We get another chance to work as a team!

Mr. Aizawa: I can understand that you all are very excited. We haven't had any kind of quirk training since the exam and haven't done a team building activity since the beginning of the year. But remember, you are doing this in place of what your classmates are doing in their work studies. I still expect you to give it your all and show me that you deserve another chance at your hero licenses. Now, grab your hero costumes and meet me outside.

The side wall opened to reveal the briefcases which held our hero costumes. You grabbed yours and went to the changing room with the other guys. Honestly, you were surprised that your costume was fixed so quickly. Considering how damaged it was after your fight with Yato and The League of Villains. Every piece of it was on your body and you activated your indicator. The needle painlessly pricked your wrist to get a reading, but what happened next was very strange. Your indicator was glitching out. The numbers kept changing as well as the colors. Until the only number that displayed was 0% with a black screen.

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