Chapter 74: Reinforcements (Chapter 6)

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As you prepared for the Nomu to strike you down. An explosion hit the side of its body. With it distracted you kicked it in the stomach and caused it to collapse. You got back up on your feet. Immediately, you felt something soft and sticky wrap around your body and it lifted you away from the Nomu. You looked behind you and saw Tsuyu hanging onto the side of a building with her tongue wrapped around your waist.

Tsuyu: I got you, (R/N)!

You: Tsu! You came to help me?

Tsuyu: It's not just me, (R/N).

You looked over to where the Nomu was and you saw Bakugo fire numerous explosions at it. Kirishima was striking at another one not too far away from behind. You looked around even more and saw Todoroki, Sero, and Yaoyorozu fighting the other Nomus in the area and protecting citizens as they were still trying to escape. Tsuyu crawls the face of the building back towards the ground. She gently places you on the ground and leads you into a nearby building to hide. Bakugo, Kirishima, Sero, Todoroki, and Yaoyorozu had defeated their respective nomus and joined the two of you within the building.

You: Kirishima, Tsu, I can't believe you guys are actually here. I thought you had to help with that Yakuza HQ bust.

Tsuyu: We were, but when word got out that Kensaki was under attack. The pro-heroes we had been studying under had been called in to assist and we asked if we could go with them. Oh, and don't worry about the Yakuza bust. Midoriya, Ochaco, the third year students, and many pro-heroes are still there to handle it.

Kirishima: Plus, we knew you were bound to show up here to try and take Yato on your own. I certainly wasn't going to let that happen without Tsu or me being here to help you.

You were very touched by their actions. The friendships you formed with each other was truly remarkable. Each one of you were willing to travel to death's doors and back for one another. You pulled them in for a quick group hug.

You: Thank you. You guys are the best.

Once the three of you separated you addressed the rest of your friends/reinforcements.

You: You guys came all this way to help me too?

Bakugo: We came so that you wouldn't get killed Brain Boy. Beside, it was Icy Hot's idea to go on this suicide mission.

You looked over to Todoroki and he nodded.

Sero: Yeah, but there is no doubt that we are going to get into trouble once Mr. Aizawa finds out what we all are doing.

Yaoyorozu: We can't worry about that now, Sero. We have to focus on rescuing people, taking down as many Nomus as we can, and getting out of here alive.

Todoroki: We have our work cut out for us. What's our next move?

You: I'll tell you what you're going to do. You need to distract the Nomus for long enough, so I can get to Phoebe.

Yaoyorozu: Are you insane? You're still wanting to face Yato without your quirk.

Tsuyu: What?

Sero: He hasn't told you guys yet? We don't know how it happened, but (R/N) lost his quirk after his second explosion.

Kirishima and Tsuyu looked over at you rather shocked by the revelation. You still looked at them with resolve to fight Yato. Tsuyu was about to say something, but Kirishima cut her off.

Kirishima: No! There is no way I am going to let you go back out there! Yato will kill you if you try to fight him without your quirk!

You: I know you are trying to protect me, Kirishima, but this is my choice. I need to do whatever I can to stop him. Even if I don't have my quirk.

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